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Kate's PoV

"Right everyone, let's move" cap says before turning round and joining Natasha to walk off the jet. Yelena and I are walking along side each other behind Rhodey and Bruce who turns round and asks "should we bow?". I look ahead of him seeing king tchalla standing waiting for us with the Dora milaje. Clapping him on the shoulder I decide to tease him "yes Bruce you should, he's a king and you should do it because you haven't met him before". He turns to me nodding as Yelena attempts to hide her giggle "ok thanks Kate". I wink at Yelena as we walk off the jet and follow up towards king tchalla. "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something" Steve walks up to tchalla and shakes his hand. Bruce clears his throat and bows to tchalla, Yelena and I giggling behind him as tchalla smiles "uh, we don't do that here". Bruce stands back up before turning and glaring at Yelena and I. Tchalla turns and motions for us to follow him "so how big of an assault should we expect?". Wanda who is helping vision walk behind us taps me on the shoulder "that was bad! But if you do it again then please make sure I'm there to watch" she smiles as we follow after the king. "Uh, sir, sir. I think you should expect quite a big assault" Bruce worriedly leans over cap. Natasha who looks as cool and composed as ever asks "how we looking?". Walking next to Yelena I nudge her to look at Bruce's love sick glance at Nat "how on earth do those to have a crush on each other they are literally opposites". "What do you mean?" Yelena asks eyeing the two up "I mean Bruce is nervous and dorky and Natasha is cool and totally badass". Yelena laughs causing me to turn my head and look at her "oh yeh totally not like you and Evan". Nudging her shoulder as we walk I reply "Evan's bad ass now so no you can't compare" I attempt to argue thinking maybe I'm actually wrong. "Yeah and when you first started swooning after Evan ... she was small and geeky and dorky... nearly fainted when anybody spoke to her..." "ok ok yes I get it you have a point" I finish as Bucky walks up to us. "Bucky!" Yelena and I yelp running towards him and embracing him in a hug. "Hi girls" he smiles before letting us go and walking up to Steve "how you been buck?" "Uh, not bad, for the end of the world".

Yelena and I hand our weapons over to the Wakandan armoury so they can take a look at it and make any improvements. Afterwards we decided to join the others so some girl can have a look at vision and see if she can remove the stone. "Is she not like really young?" Yelena asks as we walk down the corridor. "Iv no idea. I think she's the kings sister?" I shrug my shoulders as we push open the door and see vision on the table. Everyone surrounds him as this young girl scans him with her bracelet "The structure is polymorphic" her accent is beautiful. "Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially" Bruce replies as she counters "why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?". We all look to Bruce, including vision as this girl seems to stump him "because we didn't think of it". She looks to Yelena and I and nods before looking back to Bruce "I'm sure you did your best". "Can you do it?" Wanda asks, worry evident across her face for vision. "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. It will take time brother" she turns her attention to the king who nods. "How long?" Cap asks full of his usual seriousness. "As long as you can give me" the girl replies as an alarm starts to beep. The lady standing next to the king presses a button launching a hologram as she says "something has entered the atmosphere". We all turn and look out the ground to ceiling windows and watch as something falls from the atmosphere and hits the protective shield that covers the city. "We got more incoming outside the dome" Rhodey speaks through the comms as we watch giant shards of steel fall to the ground. "It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now" I turn to see vision attempting to get up. Nat must see my head turn as hers turns too "vision, get your ass back on the table". Tchalla walks past Yelena and I "we will hold them off". Scared. Scared is what I am right now. "Wanda, as soon as that stones out of his head you blow it to hell" cap instructs as Wanda turns full of worry "I will". "Evacuate the city, engage all defences. Give everyone back their weapons.... And get this man a shield" tchalla turns and points to us and cap before turning and heading for the door. I look to Yelena who shares the same scared look as I do "together?" She lifts her pinky in the air. "Together" I place my pinky in hers holding it as we walk after tchalla.

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