I love you infinity

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Evan's PoV

"You guys go...I'll work on him" I nod towards the car. "Are you coming back tonight or?" Nat asks me as the other two walk away. "I'll stay here ...will you be ok? You know?" I ask looking at her as she looks away. "Yeah I'll be fine Evan. I'll see you tomorrow" she smiles leaning up and placing a kiss on my cheek before turning and walking to the car. Nat and I have definitely grown closer these last five years. She's a friend to me ...a really good friend but sometimes I wonder if feelings are growing on her end. We both struggle to sleep and in the beginning we would just lay together ...comforting each other. The feeling of another body making us feel less lonely. It's been fine ...it's helped both of us, but now I'm wondering if it's still helping Nat. I struggled to sleep after the first few weeks ... then when I finally fell asleep ...I hated sleep. Images of Kate blipping in front of me plaguing my brain. Then came the crueler dreams ...the dreams that felt so real. Kate laying beside me. Kate mindlessly making breakfast in the kitchen. Kate and I laying in a field surrounded by purple flowers ... then I'd wake up.

"Evan?" I bite down on a bit of pizza and turn to Morgan who is sitting next to me at the table. "Yeh princess?" I ask looking down at her. "Did you enjoy your tea party today?" She asks as I chuckle at her seriousness. Pepper looks at me happily before diverting her eyes down to Morgan "yeh princess, the best tea and scones in the whole world". She gasps and looks up at me "you didn't have a scone you had a biscuit" the three of us laugh as pepper places her hand on Morgan's shoulder "honey ...eat your pizza before it gets cold". Pepper then looks up at me "what have you been up to Evan? It's been a couple of weeks since we have seen you". "Iv been busy ... working at the station" I smile hoping they drop the topic ...but it's pepper and Tony so Iv no hope. "You have a doctorate in physics and you're working in a police station" Tony looks at me as I lean back waiting for the lecture. "College gave me something to focus on ...after graduating I wanted to look out for the little guy again ...and you know they need" I look at Tony who shrugs his shoulders "actually crime has fallen by 42%" "yeah because half the planet disappeared" I argue noticing pepper place a hand on top of Tony's. "We just want you to be happy Evan...what about that girl? Your friend?" Pepper asks as Tony then interrupts "what about Nat?". I look from pepper to Tony and frown "Gwen is my friend and yes I see her often with her father being the head of police...but that's all she is ...just a friend. And Nat is clearly just a friend" I lean forward grabbing another piece of pizza as Tony lifts his glass and mutters "friends don't look at each other the way she looks at you". I groan throwing my head back as Morgan climbs out of her seat and into my lap "you want to come play hide and seek?" She whispers into my ear causing me to laugh. "Yeh pip squeak ...you hide and I'll seek ...30...29...28" Morgan leaps out of my lap and runs down the hallway as I laugh watching her excitement. "You know we just want you to be happy Evan" Tony looks at me full of sympathy. "I know Tony ...I know. My happiness is you guys though ... and the other avengers...that's all the happiness I have on this world right now. I'm not getting the rest of it back" I see him rub his hand down his face before shouting "3...2...1 ready or not Morgan stark here I come".

"And the little bear turned round to the momma bear and said ...momma can I have another jar of honey?" I turn my head slightly and see Morgan sound asleep laying next to me in her bed. Closing the book I gently climb out of her bed ...trying not to wake the cutest monster. Tip toeing towards the door...my weight lands on a squeaky floorboard. I grimace, turning slowly and noticing the small girl still soundly sleeping before making my way to the bedroom door and closing it behind me. As I walk into the kitchen I notice Tony holding a picture frame in his hand and a dishcloth in the other "you know your meant to dry the dishes right? Not the photos?". He laughs slightly and holds the frame out to me, showing a picture of him, Peter and I. I look down at the photo as an ache spreads through my chest. "Follow me" Tony speaks softly clapping me on the shoulder before walking round me. I sigh looking down at the photo before placing it on the counter and following Tony.

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