Prologue - Ghost Stories (rewrited)

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(Note: I don't own Call of Duty: Ghosts or Girls Frontline, Infinty Ward owns Call of Duty series and Sunborn owns Girls Frontline. and with that I hope you enjoy the story)

After Rorke was arrested, and GnK returned in Europe.

Walkers family house.

San Diego, CA

Markus and FTac Recon (Taylor) came to visit Hesh and Isla, alongside Logan. Hesh came to greet them. They talked a lot, asking each other how were things with their squads and friends, also how was work.

Markus: Hey dad, uncle.

Hesh: What's up, son?

Markus: I wanted to ask you something.

Logan: Go on.

Markus: I honestly don't know about what happened with you guys when you were in Task Force Stalker during the Federation War. And to be honest, I don't know what kind of leader was Grandpa Elias.

Isla: Mark...

FTac Recon (Taylor): Commander...

Markus: Can you tell me about what you've gone through? I just want to understand.

Logan: I think we have to tell him. Don't you think so, Dave?

Hesh: *sigh* Okay. I suppose it's time to tell you the truth. You see, our story began in the 2017. It was a day when me, Logan and your grandpa went for a walk.

Isla: It was then that he told them the story used to tell us, before you came...

Logan: And it was then that our journey and the war began. 


Elias: It was a different time, a different enemy. Sixty men, from Tier One teams, were sent to face down a force of five hundred enemy fighters. Their objective: to force the enemy back from a civilian hospital, and keep its occupants alive. For three days, they held their ground, but the enemy's numbers were too great. The sixty were cut down to fifteen. They wouldn't last another night, and the enemy knew it. Under the cover of darkness, they evacuated the hospital, sending only one of their own to lead the way. The rest returned to the line, and took up positions beneath the bodies of their fallen brothers. As they lay in wait, the blood from the dead poured over them. The sand stuck to their skin like a shroud. Changing them. Anointing them. When the enemy drew near, the remaining fourteen rose out of the desert sand. They were like hunters that couldn't be seen, using stealth their enemies couldn't defend against. When the men ran dry of ammunition, they used their blades...and when the blades ran dull, they used their hands. When the dust and sand had settled, only one of the enemy had survived. He was picked up in the desert, wandering aimlessly, traumatised. He expressed warnings to others of a force so menacing and unbeatable, it could only be described as supernatural. He called them..."Ghosts".


Elias Walker finishes his story. His two sons, Hesh and Logan have been listening intentively.

 His two sons, Hesh and Logan have been listening intentively

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Girls Frontline: Legends of the Ghosts: Task Force StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now