Chapter 4 - Operation Knight - Part 1

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While listening to Hesh and Logan, Markus, Juan, Alex and FTac Recon, except Aiden, are shocked by the brothers's revelation.

Markus & Alex: *shocked* SAY WHAT?!

Markus: *shocked* Lieutenant Derek "Frost" Westbrook of Delta Force?!

Alex: *shocked* Task Force 141?!

Juan: *shocked* Los Vaqueros too?!

Logan: Yep.

Aiden: Was Station Chief Kate Laswell there too?

Hesh: *nods* We were sent at Las Almas. There we participated in an rescue mission.

Logan: We called it "Operation Knight".


Las Almas, Mexico

Caporal Logan Walker

September 3rd 2023

Near at Las Almas, Martin was driving a MATV with the Walker Brothers, they listened to the news at the radio.

News Reporter: The United Nations Relic Agency has a new Cheif Director, Dr. Raeder Albert Rossartre. And now... Breaking news. Senator Michael J. Wilson's daugther, Emily Wilson has been kidnapped by a group of terrorists known as Al Qatala, led by Abbas Ghorbrani. The Federation President, Alfonso Almagro, stated that the kidnapping is a retribution against USA, but denied to be behind the kidnapping. The German politician, Frederick von Oberstein criticized Wilson for...

Martin turned off the radio.

Hesh: Tch. Criticized. They're just making controversies to raise votes and capital for their personal gain.

Logan: *scoffs* Typical politicians.

Martin: We still have our orders, boys. Besides, I've a feeling that there's something big behind Al Qatala.

Hesh: You think someone else is behind Ghorbrani, sir?

Martin: They'll give us the answer at Las Almas.

Hesh: Las Almas? Wasn't it occupied by the Federation?

Martin: Nope. The Mexican Liberation Force still resists against the Feds, thanks to Los Vaqueros.

Logan: Los Vaqueros?

Martin: A Mexican Special Force's elite unit. In spanish means: "The Cowboys".

Hesh: *whistles* Sounds wild. Jokes aside, we've heard about 'em.

Logan: If I'm not wrong, their leader is Colonel Alejandro Vargas.

Martin: Heh. The one and only.

Hesh: So it's just us going to Vargas's aid?

Martin: We're not alone. Task Force 141 and Delta Forces's Metal Team are coming too.

Hesh: Task Force 141?!

Logan: And Delta Force too?!

Martin: Yeah. And-- Hold on.

Martin stops the vehicle. The Walker Brothers and Martin see two soldiers watching them and nod at each other, before they ready their weapons.

Martin: Sword.

???: *COMMS* Shield.

The two men revealed themselfs to be Lieutenant Derek "Frost" Westbrook and Sergeant Andrew Jackson of Delta Force.

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