Chapter 3 - Struck Down

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Markus and his friends listened to Logan and Hesh, while drinking water.

Markus: Speaking of aunt Karen, how is she? And what about Noah and Linda?

Logan: Heh. *smiling* My Karen is doing so great. As for Noah and Linda, they're doing fine. We four are keeping in touch.

Isla: *giggles* She's so cute when she smiles and when she gets angry.

Hesh: *laughs* It's hard to believe that a woman like Karen isn't scared of my fierce brother.

Logan: *chuckles* She has so much personality. I fell in love with her when I've met her during high school. What about you, big brother? Do ya remember that time you and Isla have met?

Hesh: *chuckling* That time? We were classmates back then. She's playful, kind and likes to tease me!

Isla: *giggle* I fell in love with Hesh, ever since the day he saved me from a gang of thugs, alongside Logan.

Markus: *chuckles* I've heard Noah and Linda have joined the Ranger Force. They are the successors of the 75th Ranger Reggiment.

Aiden: *smirking* Under command the command of Frank's son, Lieutenant Kayden Martin.

Juan: You said it was also the first time you worked with the Ghosts. What are the roles of Merrick and Keegan in the unit.

Markus: Keegan was the sniper of the Ghosts, back then. While Merrick was a commanding officer.

Alex: I must say that Merrick a reliable leader while he uses the bloody ice cube attitude as a mask.

Aiden: We all wear masks, Alex.

Hesh: They emerged from the shadows and vanished into the sunlight. Outside the wall, their reputation lingered over No Man's Land like a shroud of fear. A weapon far more effective than brass or steel.

Logan: Merrick and Keegan. These were the men dad had spoken of...the ghosts. And someone dared to go against them. They were headed to San Diego, Federation Territory, to find their man, Ajax. Ghosts... We'd only imagined them. 

Hesh & Logan: Now, we were determined to be one of them.


Struck Down

June 7th - 19:32:00

Occupied San Diego, CA

Sergeant Logan Walker

A gun can be heard being prepared.

Keegan: Alright, remote sniper's online.

Logan is using the remote sniper to find Ajax.

Merrick: Scan around. We need to get eyes on Ajax.

Logan: Copy. Scanning the area.

Logan looks down at the field...

Merrick: Enemy patrols. Keep searching.

Logan: Scanning the bleachers.

Logan looks at the bleachers on the right...

Keegan: No sign of him on the right.

Logan: Let's try the press box.

Logan looks at the press box without zooming in...

Merrick: There. Twelve o'clock. Zoom in.

Girls Frontline: Legends of the Ghosts: Task Force StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now