Chapter 8 - Legends Never Die

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FTac Recon, Markus, Alex and Juan were utterly shocked, Hesh and Logan's revelation about Rorke, Martin and Pedro.

FTac Recon (Taylor): *shocked* What the!?

Alex: *shocked* Bloody?!

Juan: *shocked* Hell?!

Markus: *shocked* You're telling me that Rorke was a Ghost?!

Hesh: Yeah. But to them, he was not just one of them.

Logan: He was their former commander.

Alex: *shocked* That's a lot to take in.

Juan: *shocked* That's not the only shocking thing for me. Pedro and Martin were Ghosts too?!

Logan: *smirks* Yep. Martin was a field commander of the unit and an expert of CQC.

Hesh: *smirks* Pedro was a language expert and a stealth specialist.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Aiden, did you know?

Aiden: Martin told me about his involment. I promised him to keep it as a secret. But he didn't tell me how Rorke turned against the Ghosts.

FTac Recon (Taylor): I see.

Hesh: Rorke was still hunting the Ghosts, even if they were disbanded.

Juan: So Rorke was the former commander of Task Force Stalker.

Markus: I still don't understand one thing. Why did he turned against his own comrades?

Hesh: *sigh* We asked that too. Grandpa Elias explaned us the reason he became the monster that hunt us down today.

Logan: July 8th 2015, two years before the Federation hijacked the ODIN.


Elias: It was twelve years ago when the Federation's military threatened all of South America. Their leaders, General Diego Almagro and his brother, President Alfonso Almagro demanded that all U.S. born citizens should be imprisoned or executed. It was Rorke who convinced Washington to let the Ghosts solve the problem. 

Markus: *voiceover*  DIego Almagro?

Hesh: *voiceover* Alfonso Almagro's brother. The Almagro brothers were called by the UN "The Tyrants of Venezuela".

Logan: *voiceover* *jokingly* You used to call them "Evil counterparts of us".

Hesh: *voiceover* *chukckles* Did I?! *jokingly* Weren't used to say that yourself?

Logan: *voiceover* *chuckles* *jokingly* I didn't say that.

Hesh: *voiceover* *chuckles* Shut up.

Merrick: Diego ordered the execution of UN peacekeepers, twenty of them. After ripping them to pieces, he dumped their bodies in the ocean, and send them drifting back to us. We got the message. 

Martin: They called up the team, they wanted us to take care of the problem, our way. Rorke called it "Operation: Return to Sender". we've never seen him so driven, he really wanted this guy dead.

Elias: The US sent an invasion force to destroy the Federation. Rorke led us to eliminate Diego Almagro. But, Rorke became obsessed with him. He talked about the man as if he was a bounty. And it was clear that he would stop at nothing to claim that prize.


"Legends Never Die"

July 8th - 12:46:13

Girls Frontline: Legends of the Ghosts: Task Force StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now