Chapter 5 - Operation Knight - Part 2

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After listening to Makarov's name, FTac Recon balled his hand into a very tight fist. Isla noticed that.

Isla: *concerned* Taylor, are you okay?

FTac Recon (Taylor): I... I... I-

Aiden: Take a deep breath, Taylor.

FTac Recon (Taylor): *sigh* Sorry.

Markus: *empathetic* It's okay. Wounds take time to heal.

Hesh: *sigh* You could say that again, son.

Alex: How was it working with 141, Los Vaqueros and Delta Force?

Hesh: While I was in the Bravo Team, I've learned many things from Price and Alejandro. Both of them are fierce, but both of them care about thier men and would do whatever it takes to save lives and stop terrorists. Ordaz taught me some basic spanish and we shared many things. Frost was a calm operator, even in the most difficult situations.

Logan: While I was in a plane with Alpha Team to capture Fidel, Pedro taught me spanish, well some basics and we shared some stories. The rest of spanish language he taught me while we were keeping in touch. Ghost was sarcastic, but he was a reliable leader and he taught me how to throw knifes. Andrew is a tomahawk expert, also he and I shared our losses.


Alpha Team were on a plane looking for the Federal airplane.

Logan: *COMMS* Can I ask you a question, Andrew?

Andrew: *COMMS* Yeah?

Logan: *COMMS* Why did you join the Delta Force? And also, you seem to hate Makarov.

Andrew: *COMMS* Have you heard about Khaled Al-Asad's nuclear bombing in the Middle East?

Logan: *COMMS* Yeah. Someone you knew died there?

Andrew: *COMMS* He killed 30.000 U.S. soldiers with that goddamn nuke, but it wasn't his decision. Vladimir Makarov ordered Al-Asad to detonate the bomb. Among the poor guys killed by the radioactive explosion, there was a soldier of U.S.M.C. *sad* His name was Sergeant Paul Jackson, my brother.

Logan: *COMMS* *empathetic* I see. I've lost many friends too, during ODIN's hijack by the Federation. *glares* On President Almagro's orders.

Then Ghost warned the team that they've intercepted the terrorist airplane.

Ghost: *COMMS* Target sighted. Gear up, people.

Soap: *COMMS* Break's over, lads. Let's get ready.

Aiden: *voiceover* *sad* What happened to my uncle and the other soldiers was madness. That was what the arrogance of mankind leads, if you let it rule you.

FTac Recon (Taylor): *voiceover* Yeah.


Bravo Team watches from a high point as some planes fly above the sky.

Laswell: *COMMS* Operation Knight is approved. The VIP extraction is a go. Remember, we must rescue Princess and kill the Konni Group.

Price: Bravo Six, going dark.

A gunship in the distance fires missiles into the air.

Laswell: *COMMS* Tear gas deployed in the AO - Civilians presence minimized. Let's make this quick. Search team en route to location. Music starts.

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