Chapter 11 - Rorke Files Part 2

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Jordan explained that Rorke called off the research a Illinois, but not the attack, because of someone who informed him, much to the Walker brothers's shock.

Martin: You're telling me that there's a traitor?

Jordan: Not among the Ghosts, but in the CIA. I must give you three a warning: Do NOT trust anyone from the CIA.

Logan: You think Almagro corrupted one of the Agency for his cause?

Jordan: Possibly. But for now, let's focus on the rest of Rorke Files. Do you remember the Invasion of Los Angeles? The Rorke File you took before you defended the beach with a minigun?

Logan: Yeah.

Jordan: Take a look at this report.

Jordan handed over the report at Logan and he started reading.

Logan: *reading* Operation Homecoming. Federation Assault Force inbound to Fort Santa Monica. Intel has confirmed a large scale enemy force is inbound to Santa Monica and surrounding areas - including Los Angeles and the Liberty Wall itself. Request immediate deployment of all QRF and Emergency Services. Update - 5/4 11:23AM. U.S. forces at Fort Santa Monica have engaged enemy ground troops. Federation Navy inbound. Attack routes and trajectories hitting GRID 7012 and GRID 3281. Immediate assistance required.

Hesh: *glaring* And Fidel Bernardo was at the head of Operation Homecoming.

Jordan: Not only that. We intercepted a video conversation of Rorke with the Federation's President himself.

Logan: *suprised* Almagro himself?

Jordan: See it for yourselves.

Jordan shows the video call of Rorke and they see a man who revealed to be none other that Alfonso Almagro.

Jordan shows the video call of Rorke and they see a man who revealed to be none other that Alfonso Almagro

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Alfonso Almagro (Benicio del Toro)

Martin: There he is. The Federation's President.

Hesh: *glaring* Alfonso Almagro.

Logan: *jokingly* Quite the peacock, isn't he?

The three chuckles at that joke and then they see Rorke answering the call.

Gabriel Rorke: Presidente Almagro.

Alfonso Almagro: Comandante Rorke. Is Operation Homecoming ready?

Gabriel Rorke: The Wall will break today.

Alfonso Almagro: Did you take the goods?

Gabriel Rorke: Yes sir, we're well ahead of schedule. Our dig site proved to be useful, as what Victor tells me, he's got everything he needs now.

Alfonso Almagro: Victor Ramos? Your associate?

Gabriel Rorke: Yes sir. I'm on my way to The Shop to meet with him. He says full scale production by the end of the month.

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