Chapter 1 - Brave New World

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Markus felt sorry for his parents and uncle losing their friend, Will. 

FTac Recon (Taylor): Shit... That was horrible.

Markus: I'm so sorry, dad.

Isla: *sad* Will was our childhood friend.



Hesh, Elias and Isla went to the hospital, to see how's Logan, he was depressed at Will's death.

Isla: *softly* Hi, Logan. How are you feeling?

Logan: I wish I could tell you I'm fine.

Hesh: It's okay, you need to let out what you have inside. You can tell me everything, brother.

Logan: *sad* I wish we could have saved him, instead he died because of me.

Isla: Logan, please. Don't blame yourself. He wanted to save you because we were his friends. Wouldn't you do the same thing?

Logan: I still wish he didn't die back then, but you're right. *sad smile* Thank you, Isla.

Elias: What happened at San Diego? That wasn't earthquake. It was ODIN.

Logan: What's ODIN?

Hesh: ODIN Space Station. It's an orbital kinetic bombardment weapons platfom developed by the US. Dad told me about it.

Isla: Orbital kinetic bombardment?

Logan: The weapons armed with rods that make shock waves, making it look like an earthquake. They were nicknamed "The Rods from God".

Elias: *nods* It was meant to protect our country. But... While we were out for a walk, a team of Federation space agents have hijacked the Station and fired not just on San Diego. But also Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston and Miami.

Isla: What?! The Federation did this horror?!

Hesh: Yeah. But two U.S. astronauts destroyed the ODIN, at the cost of their lives.

Logan: The Feds have broken the truce. *angrly* On their damn president's orders!

Elias: Calm down, Logan. You need to rest.

Isla: So what happens now?

Elias: Probably the Federation is prepearing to invade us, and I'll have to rejoin the Army. I won't ask you or force you to come with me. I must protect our country and our family.

Hesh felt he had to protect his family and country, and stop the Federation, so he spoke to his father.

Hesh: Dad, I need to tell you something.

Elias: Yeah?

Hesh: There won't be a forced conscription on me. I'll join the army, on my own will.

Logan: What?!

Isla: David!

Elias: Hesh. Are you sure? 

Hesh: Yeah. I'm not joining the Army, just to become a soldier just like you. I'm joining in order to protect Isla and Logan. I'm joining in order to protect our country.

He then turned to speak with Logan and Isla.

Hesh: Logan, I won't ask you to come. Isla, I understand how you feel, but i must do this, for you, Will and Logan. I'll be careful and return safe.

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