chapter 2

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It's been a few weeks since you first encountered the turtles with April. April chose to keep quiet about the vigilante story at the office, leading some to believe she fabricated it for a pay raise. which is really out of her character, as you spent more time with the turtles, you found it all quite fascinating. You also learned that they had a rat master named splinter, which was their father. You gained valuable insights into the unique personalities of each turtle. Leonardo, in particular, stood out as the brave and compassionate leader among his brothers, very compassionate and confident.

Raphael was an intrusive and destructive brother, easily triggered by certain things that would provoke his anger. However, once he warmed up to you, he was generally nice. Michelangelo, on the other hand, was a typical silly and persistent pizza lover. He always found himself in some kind of trouble, often annoying Raphael or fooling around. Lastly, there was Donatello, the scientific genius who approached everything with logic and intelligence. He was knowledgeable about almost everything.

You developed a strong bond with Leo and Donnie. Leo, in particular, had a deep understanding of you that strengthened your friendship. He constantly ranted to you about how irritating his brothers could be, you usually ranted to him about work and how messy April could leave the apartment sometimes. Donnie on the other hand was your best friend, the two of you connected effortlessly, and you found yourself captivated by everything he did in his lab. He had a way of making complex tasks appear effortless, although you knew they were anything but. Your love for science grew as you witnessed the mesmerizing experiments unfold right before your eyes.

"What project are you currently working on, Don?" you inquired, observing him from his lab chair. He was engrossed in another one of his elaborate projects for the week, his hands covered in oil as he reached for a wrench. "I'm just making some adjustments to the van," he replied, tightening bolts on the Tartarugo Brothers' garbage van. "What seems to be the issue?" you questioned. He clicked his tongue, "There's damage to the oil tank," he answered. You nodded.

He continued to work on the damaged oil tank  then slid out from underneath the van, grinning. "Fixed!" he announced proudly.until His entire body was covered in oil, and his glasses were smudged with grease. "," you started, motioning towards his dirty glasses. "Oh," he responded, taking them off, spitting on them and using his rough jeans to wipe them clean. "Thanks," he said. You nodded, smiling, then turned to see April and the other brothers entering through the lab doors.

"Hey guys" April greeted us as she entered the room. "Hows it looking Don? Will it be ready to bring on missions again soon?" Leo questioned his brother, walking up next to him. "Looks that's way" he replied, setting the filthy wrench down on his desk. "Good, im sick of running rooftops allover town to hunt down the foot" Raph added, annoyed tone in his voice. Mikey wasn't very engaged in the conversation, he was off to the side on his board. "What exactly happened to it again?" you asked them. "Damage from a bomb the foot clan planted next to our van, luckily it wasn't close enough to us to blow us up" Leo said, arms crossed and shaking his head.

You winced at the thought of the van almost being blown up. April breathed out "Yeah, it's fortunate that we can get information from work about the foot clan though," Leo nodded in agreement "We really need it, now we just have to figure out what shredder is up to," Leo responded. "Once we know that, we'll take him down," Raph added, putting a toothpick between his teeth. You observed as Mikey suddenly left the room, heading towards the kitchen, Raph following him. You turned to April, checking your phone in the process. '5:37pm' your phone displayed. "We should probably leave soon," you told April. "Yeah," April said as she glanced at your phone "You're right."

Donnie flashed a friendly smile at both of you. "Need me to escort you guys out?" he offered. You glanced at April, then back at Donnie. "I think we can handle it this time, Don," you replied, returning the smile. "But thanks anyway." April began walking ahead, and you followed closely behind, allowing her to lead the way out. The dark sewers were eerily quiet, except for the occasional drip of water from the ceiling. "Looking forward to work from 12am-8am?" you asked April, a mischievous grin spreading across your face, already anticipating her response. She shot you a glare. "You know I'm not. Lucky you, getting to sleep in," she retorted. Since you had the day off tomorrow, you didn't have to worry about waking up early, or working overnights.

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