chapter 7

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It has been 48 hours since your arrival in California. Yesterday was your first day at work and it was absolutely exhausting. You and April didn't have much downtime, as she was busy reporting. 

Unfortunately, you were stuck working with William on selecting foot clan topics for April's broadcast. Thankfully, you didn't have to share a hotel room with him, but you still didn't enjoy being around him. 

As the work day came to an end, you were eager to grab your phone and check your messages. Donnie had been constantly messaging you since you left, and you had only managed to reply a few times during bathroom breaks. 

Each time you snuck away to text him, it felt exhilarating, almost like a secret middle-school relationship. Even though you and Donnie weren't together, the excitement of texting him and having to be sneaky about it brought back those nostalgic feelings.

You stood by the front doors of the building, waiting for April to finish her shift. You checked your phone and saw messages from Donnie. "How's work going?" "I finished the go kart, gonna make some upgrades on it." There was a picture of the go kart attached to the message. You smiled and read the rest of the texts to yourself. 

"Text me when you're off work" "You left your sweatshirt here in my lab." April approached you and asked, "What's with the big smile?" You chuckled and replied, "Donnie." She nodded knowingly. 

"Ready to go back to the hotel?" she asked as she clocked out. You nodded and walked out, feeling the California heat hit you both. "It's so beautiful out here," you remarked as you approached the rental car. April nodded, and you both got into the car. 

"Maybe we can go to the beach later?" April asked, "Yes!" you exclaimed, fingers typing away on your phone, texting Donnie back.

"Off work, the go kart looks amazing Donnie, work was boring as always but the weather is beautiful out here" you replied.  April drove back to the hotel which was less than a five minute drive from the news station. Donnie texted back "Can you call later? I wanted to talk for a bit" he replied. 

"Sure, was your day good?" you responded, there was a longer pause than normal before he replied "Fine, other than arguing with Leo all day." You read the text before typing "Im sorry Donnie. I wish I could help" you replied. "I just wish you were back here" was his response.

 You couldn't help but smile as you read his text, you quickly replied "I'll be back soon, I'm excited to see how your new go kart works," you felt the anticipation building up inside you. "Here," April announced as she pulled into the parking spot. 

Both of you got out of the car and headed up to your room. The resort you were staying at had a breathtaking view of the beach, just a short walk away. Sitting down on the bed, you let out a sigh of relief. "It feels nice to be away from Will," you confessed. 

April nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I bet. Sorry you're stuck with him this whole week practically," she sympathized, pulling her swimsuit out of her suitcase. "We should head down there now. It's gonna be dark soon. I was thinking we could get some cute sunset pictures," she suggested, heading towards the bathroom to change. 

You agreed with a nod, placing your phone on the bed. As you unpacked your swimsuit, you couldn't help but admire its seductive design. It was a white thong bikini with a light pink ruffle on the top, adorned with small silk bows on both the top and bottoms. To you, it was simply cute. 

You slipped out of your clothes and put on the swimsuit, making sure everything was covered as you adjusted the top in the mirror. "Your swimsuit is so cute!" April exclaimed, walking out in her own swimsuit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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