chapter 6

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It had been about a week since the dare between you guys, neither of you brought it up. Basically pretending never happened, you couldn't ignore it though because you loved every second of it. 

It replayed it your head over and over again, you kept thinking about it, how he held your hips gently, the way he kissed you, the feeling of the alcohol consuming you while he made out with you, everything. 

You snapped back into reality, mostly because of April and Leo "(y/n?)" April said, everyone at the table staring at you, you blinked.

"Oh, sorry" you said, you grabbed a slice of pizza from the box and slowly started to eat it, April chuckled at you "You look a little lost" she replied, you shook your head and looked up to see Mikey stuffing his face with one pepperoni pizza slice and one sausage pizza slice, smiling at him.

"No just thinking about everything we have to do before we leave for California tomorrow" you replied, Donnie turned his head to look at you "California? For what?" he asked, pausing himself from eating. 

"Work" April replied, you nodded in agreement "Yeah" you added. "Work? Why would they have you going out to California for work?" Leo asked, you shrugged before looking up at April "I actually don't know" you replied. 

"Low staff I believe, I think we are suppose to report on some foot clan stuff there too" April added. "You're leaving tomorrow?" Donnie asked, you nodded, he bit down on his lip and nodded before getting up and leaving, finishing his pizza. 

Leo watched him do so and sighed. Raph grabbed another slice "When will you guys be back?" Leo asked. "We will be there for about a week" you replied, finishing your slice. 

Leo nodded "Training in 30 Leo?" Raph asked, Leo nodded before Raph headed out, Mikey still stuffing his face with his attention consumed by his phone games.

You rose from the chair, wiping the pizza grease off your fingertips. "I'm gonna go see what Donnie's up to," you announced before making your way to his lab. Donnie was engrossed in typing on his computer when you approached him. 

"What are you up to?" you inquired, peering over his shoulder at the screen filled with incomprehensible codes. "Just trying to hack into these Kraang codes to see what they're planning," he replied in a monotone voice. 

"Well," you hesitated, unsure of his reaction, "Do you want to hang out before I leave?" Donnie paused, turning to face you. "What did you have in mind?" he questioned. You shrugged, flashing a smile. 

"Let me finish hacking first," he said, focusing back on his computer screen. You playfully pouted as he continued typing. "You should teach me how to hack one day," you suggested. Donnie clicked his tongue. "Sure thing," he agreed. 

As the codes disappeared one by one, he grinned and exclaimed, "boo-ya!" A white page in Kraang language appeared on the screen. 

"What does that mean?" you asked, puzzled. Donnie studied the text, then leaned back in his chair. "Not much, but it looks like they're expecting a big shipment of mutagen this Sunday," he informed you. 

"At least it's not a plot to destroy the earth," you remarked. Donnie nodded, checking his phone for Kraang activity. "Nothing yet," he reported, standing up and hovering over you for a moment.

"Now," he began, striding towards his collection of weapons, carefully placing his bo staff back on the shelf and arranging his other various weapons on his belt. You followed closely, observing his every move. 

"What?" you hummed, curiosity piqued. He turned to face you, a hint of unease or perhaps stress evident in his expression. "You never mentioned you were heading to California," he finished. 

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