chapter 5

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The turtles had just finished taking down a group of foot clan ninjas attempting to rob a jewelry store, it was late at night. They stood on the rooftop of the building, observing as the cops removed the unconscious ninjas from the scene.

"Great job, guys," Leo commended, sheathing his katanas. "Those guys were no match for us." Mikey added, twirled his nunchucks playfully. Raph smirked at Leo, "That felt more like a side quest," he chuckled.

Donnie watched as the ninjas were handcuffed and turned to Leo, "Should we head back?" Leo nodded, "Yeah, let's go. We need to get back before Splinter notices." He headed towards the fire escape, with Raph and Mikey following closely.

Donnie lagged behind, checking his phone to see your location. He saw that you were at your apartment. Opening Snapchat, he noticed that his snap was still on delivered for the past hour. Checking your location on the app, he saw that you were active 23 minutes ago.

He clenched his phone in frustration. Joining the others down the fire escape, he glanced at your snap score, which had only increased by 4. "Donnie, hurry up," Leo called out as he waited near the manhole.

Donnie pocketed his phone and jumped down, with Leo following behind. Raph and Mikey were already walking down the sewers, with Leo and Donnie trailing behind. They soon reached their lair.

"Let's try to keep it quiet this time, guys," Leo whispered, giving Mikey a pointed look. They hung their weapons silently, while Donnie headed straight to his lab. He felt tense, unsure of the reason.

Perhaps it was the adrenaline from the fight. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It was a text from you. All his focus shifted to the message. "Are you awake?" it read. "I'm up," Donnie replied promptly. "Do you wanna ft?" the text read.

As soon as Donnie read your text, he wasted no time in replying with "Yes." At home, you couldn't help but smile at your phone, still feeling the dampness of your freshly taken shower.

Dressed in a small tank top and short shorts, you lay in bed next to your phone, which was plugged into the charger since it was almost dead. You were eager to talk to Donnie about your day at work and your peculiar boss.

With a single tap on the FaceTime button, Donnie answered right away. "Hey Donnie," you greeted with a warm smile. His face appeared dirty or bruised. "What happened?" you inquired, pointing to the bruise under his eye.

"Got punched in a fight, wasn't paying attention," he casually replied. "Are you okay?" you asked, gritting your teeth while imagining the pain from the punch. He looked at you as if you were foolish.

"Duh, he barely tapped me," he retorted. You chuckled, "Must've been one helluva tap." Rolling his eyes, he grinned and added, "Sure, if you want to give him that much credit."

"I'd give him credit for being able to reach your face, considering how tall you are." you remarked.

"All the foot clan guys are short" he added, you scoffed at his comment "Most of them are like almost 6 feet tall!" you disagreed. Raising an eyebrow, Donnie clicked his tongue and stated "Short."

You shook your head "Well to you maybe, you're like 6'7!" you countered, Donnie couldn't help but smirk as he corrected you, "Actually, I'm 6'9."

Proving your point even more, you exclaimed. "Exactly! You're soooo tall!" Playfully teasing him, "No, you're just really short." Donnie teased. You fired back, "I don't know anyone else who's 6'9!"

He curiously asked, "How tall are you now?" You replied, "5'1." A wide grin spread across Donnie's face, and your cheeks turned red with embarrassment. You were definitely on the shorter side.

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