chapter 3

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April was panicking, wondering why you hadn't returned her calls. The time was ticking away, and you were usually never at the store for this long.

"Why won't you pick up?" April muttered in exasperation and concern. She dialed your number once more, only to reach voicemail. With her nerves on edge, not knowing what else to do but to ask the turtles if they've seen you. She sighed, giving Leo a quick call.

"Leo," she exclaimed anxiously over the phone, "April? What's the matter?" he inquired.

"(y/n) left for the store more than 3 hours ago, she's not answering her phone or responding to texts, and she was supposed to call me before leaving the store. I don't know what to do," she explained frantically.

"We're coming, April. Hang in there." "Please hurry," April pleaded before ending the call.

April waited on the fire escape, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the turtles. It wasn't long before they made their appearance. April motioned for them to come inside.

Leo swiftly entered the apartment and wasted no time in asking, "Which store did she go to?"

"Target," April replied, her hand instinctively covering her mouth slightly. Donnie pulled out his phone and swiftly connected it to the computer server in the apartment. "I can trace her whereabouts," Donnie added.

Mikey peered over Donnie's shoulder, observing the computer screen Raph, concerned for your safety, joined the group, also peering over the computer screen. "Do you think she's in danger?" he asked

Donnie's frustration was evident as he growled, "No, no, no!" Panic filled his voice as he desperately tried to make things work.

Leo, concerned, asked, "What? What's wrong, Donnie?" Donnie huffed, feeling his frustration grow. "Her location isn't available," he explained, still determined to find a solution.

Raph, impatient, growled, "Well, why are we just sitting here waiting? Let's go!" He turned towards April, ready to head in a certain direction. Mikey chimed in, "Yeah, let's just go that way!"

However, Leo intervened "Hold up guys." Donnie clenched his fist, feeling his anger rise. "I... I don't understand! Her location was working earlier," he snapped in frustration.

April nervously nibbled on her nails, her eyes darting to the window. "(y/n)!!" she exclaimed, "I see her, let's go!" With a sense of urgency, she dashed out of the apartment.

Donnie swiftly turned his head, guiding his brothers out of the way to follow April. They all hurried down the stairs to where you were. "(y/n)," April started, shaking you gently. You stirred, groaning softly as you opened and closed your eyes.

"Let's take her upstairs," Donnie insisted, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I'll handle it," Leo interjected, gently lifting you up. Donnie shot a stern look at his brother.

"Please be careful," Donnie cautioned. "I've got the groceries," Mikey chimed in, swiftly grabbing them. Raph picked up the bottle of alcohol.

Donnie and April followed Leo as he made his way back up to the apartment, with Raph and Mikey close behind. "Where should I place her?" Leo inquired, turning to April.

April let out a sigh, shaking her head in disbelief at how intoxicated you were. "Just put her in her bed, it'll be fine," April motioned towards your bedroom. Mikey placed the groceries on the counter. "So, does she often drink this much?" Raph questioned.

Leo escorted you to your room, with Donnie closely trailing behind. Meanwhile, April, Raph, and Mikey engaged in a lively conversation in the living room.

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