chapter 4

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Donnie forcefully struck his fist against the surface of his desk, letting out a frustrated groan. Despite the discomfort in his back from the worn-out computer chair and his bloodshot eyes, he forced himself to continue typing on his computer. The bruises on his fist were due to the repeated impact it had made with the desk.

He hadn't eaten all day, he had dedicated the entire day to his laboratory, tirelessly researching any possible solution to eliminate his doppelgänger. He didn't trust him around you. The rivalry between the two versions of Donnie was far more intense than that of his brothers and their duplicates. He constantly felt the need to outdo his doppelgänger in terms of intelligence, combat skills, and strength.

He wasn't gonna let him win. Raph may be competitive, but Donnie was a lot more competitive than his brothers, he just didn't show it like his brothers did. He was just as angry too, his was more held in though. He was able to keep his composure most of the time, but when it came to a battle with himself and his own mind, his impatience would take over and Donnie would get hot, feeling angrier by the minute.

Donnie's frustration reached its peak as he violently punched the desk, causing the chair to slide back. "Ugh! Fuck my back hurts!" He shouted to himself. "Im never gonna figure this out." He stood up and marched over to his shelf of chemicals, filled with dangerous acids and bases. Grabbing the fluoroantimonic acid, he glared at it with dry, tired eyes.

"I wish I could end him without consequences," he muttered, slamming the chemical down, resulting in some of the chemical to spill onto Donnies hand, eating through his skin immediately.

He quickly pulled his hand away and groaned in pain, looking at the severe third degree burn boiling on his flesh. He pulled out the drawer next to him, reaching for hydrogen peroxide from the drawer, pouring it over the severe burn and gritting his teeth through the excruciating pain.

"Donnie," a voice called out from behind him. He turned his head to find Leo and let out a frustrated sigh. "What?" he asked, his tone filled with aggression and exhaustion. Leo stated, "You need to get some rest. It's late, and everyone can hear you."

Donnie glared at him and retorted, "I'm sorry that I'm actually trying to find a solution to our problem, unlike everyone else who just wants to wait for it to come to us." His tone dripped with sass and sarcasm.

Leo scoffed and argued, "Do you think we're just sitting around for no reason? We don't even know where they are or what they're planning. We need a structured plan to map out all the possibilities and stop whatever they have in store."

Donnie snapped back, his voice growing louder and more aggressive, "Yeah, once we have a plan, then we'll have a solution to stop them. I'm trying to figure it out, and here you are just making me even more angry. Everything always falls on me!" He mocked the brothers' usual questions, saying, "Oh Donnie, what do we do? Donnie, do you have the solution?" It's always the science guy who has to deal with the problems when everyone else can't."

Leo glared at him and shook his head. "You have no idea how difficult it is to be the leader, Donnie. I have to keep everyone in line, including you. And right now, you're disobeying my orders by trying to handle everything on your own." Leo stated firmly. "We need a plan, Donnie," he said before turning around, leaving Donnie's lab.

Donnie watched his brother leave, frustration evident on his face, letting out a heavy sigh. He observed the foaming third degree burn on his skin, watching as the hydrogen peroxide reacted with it, fizzing and hissing.

He sat back down in his computer chair, resting his head on his desk, contemplating numerous potential solutions, all of which seemed to result in reverse reactions or failure. The intensifying headache caused his mind to race even faster.

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