This is LIFE! the present LEV

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LEV sits at her desk, surrounded by stacks of papers, her focus solely on the task at hand. Suddenly, her phone buzzes incessantly, interrupting her concentration. She glances at the screen and sees the name "ZAYNE" flashing.

LEV's heart skips a beat as she hesitates, debating whether to answer. It's been five long years since they last spoke, since she left after that painful incident.

Taking a deep breath, Lev decides to answer, her hand trembling slightly as she picks up the phone.

LEV: (tentatively) Hello?

ZAYNE: (warmly) Lev! It's me, Zayne.

LEV's eyes widen in surprise at the sound of his voice after so many years.

LEV: Zayne, I... I can't believe it's you. It's been so long.

ZAYNE: I know, Lev. I've been meaning to reach out for a while now. I've missed you.

LEV's heart swells with a mixture of emotions - joy, nostalgia, and perhaps a hint of apprehension.

LEV: (softly) I've missed you too, Zayne.

ZAYNE: (excitedly) Lev! Guess what? I'll be arriving in Canada this coming Thursday.

LEV's eyes widen in surprise at the unexpected news.

LEV: Canada? What brings you here?

ZAYNE: NASCAR decided to choose Canada  specially in Montreal for the Championship NASCAR Racing competition this year. And guess what? I'm a NASCAR professional driver now.

LEV: (impressed) Wow, Zayne! That's incredible news. Congratulations!

ZAYNE: Thanks, Lev. I can't wait to catch up with you when I'm in town. It's been too long.

LEV: Zayne , how about you give me free tickets to watch your NASCAR race. I'll be there.

ZAYNE : (laughs) Of course, LEV ! Consider it done. I'll make sure you have the best VIP  seats in the house.

ZAYNE : Thanks, Lev. It means a lot.

LEV: Where are you staying during your time here in Canada?

Zayne: I'll be staying at the Hotel, close to where the race location is.

LEV: That's perfect! We can catch up after the race, maybe grab a drink or something.

ZAYNE: Absolutely, that sounds like a plan.

ZAYNE: Oh, and by the way, GL Electronics Domestic is one of my sponsors. Ali supported me.

LEV: That's fantastic to hear. Ali always had a good eye for talent. I'm glad to see they're backing you.

As they finalize their plans and reminisce about old times, Lev can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected reunion with her friend and the opportunity to support him in his new journey as a professional NASCAR driver.

Let's rev those engines and chase victory at the NASCAR track! #NASCARRaceDay"

As Lev arrived at the NASCAR race competition, she couldn't contain her excitement. Armed with VIP cards, she made her way to her seat, eager to witness the adrenaline-fueled action unfold on the track.

As she settled into her seat, her eyes widened in amazement at the sight before her. The track stretched out in front of her, a vibrant blur of colors and motion, alive with the energy of the impending race.

Among the drivers preparing for the competition, Lev's gaze fell upon Zayne, resplendent in his NASCAR racing gear. His driver's suit, adorned with patches of the team's sponsors, caught her eye, particularly the unmistakable logo of GL Electronics. These suits were almost as recognizable as the drivers themselves, a testament to the partnership between athlete and sponsor.

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