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One year has flown by since Dr. Luke and Lev began their journey together, and it's time to celebrate their anniversary. Lev believes Dr. Luke is tied up with a conference in the US, unable to make it to Canada. Little does she know, it's all just an elaborate alibi. Dr. Luke is on his way to Canada right now, ready to give Lev the surprise of a lifetime on their special day. Love knows no borders, and this anniversary will be unforgettable. ❤️

Dr. Luke Harding stepped off the plane with a sense of excitement bubbling inside him. He had meticulously planned this surprise for weeks, crafting the perfect alibi about a conference in the US to make Lev believe he wouldn't be able to join her for their anniversary. As he made his way through the bustling airport, he pulled out his phone and texted Lev.

Dr. Luke arrives at the airport, pulling a suitcase behind him. He stops to take out his phone and sends a text to Lev.

Dr. Luke:
Hey Lev, where are you right now? How are you doing?

I'm here at GL ELECTRONIC INTERNATIONAL in my office. I miss you...

Dr. Luke, who smiles warmly at the reply. He looks around, then heads towards the exit, determined to surprise Lev

Catching a cab, he directed the driver to GL ELECTRONIC INTERNATIONAL, his excitement growing with each passing mile. Upon arriving, he walked confidently into the building and approached the front desk, where a receptionist greeted him with a polite smile.

RECEPTIONIST: Good afternoon. How can I help you?" she asked.

"My name is Dr. Luke Harding,I'm looking for Lev DEROS he said with smiling. for sure she know me.

The receptionist hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone and dialing an extension. "Emily, there's a guest name Dr. Luke Harding here at the lobby. He wants  to see Ms. Deros. He says she'll know her?

Emily, Lev's secretary, knocks lightly on the door and enters the office.

Lev, there's someone named Dr. Luke Harding looking for you. Do you want me to send him up here?

Meanwhile, Lev and Frank, the finance director, are deeply focused on discussing the budget on Lev's desktop. Frank is leaning in close to see the screen better.

Dr. Luke?! [She looks confused and surprised.] My boyfriend is here?!

[Lev looks at Frank, who straightens up and gives her space.]

Your boyfriend? That's quite the surprise!

[Turning back to Emily, excitedly]
Yes, Emily, please send Dr. Luke up.

At the lobby..
Dr. Luke waited, his heart pounding with anticipation. This was it—the moment he had been waiting for. The receptionist nodded and hung up the phone.

[Emily nods and leaves the room to fetch Dr. Luke. Lev turns to Frank, her excitement palpable.]

A few moments later, Emily, Lev's secretary, arrived in the lobby. She approached the receptionist, who pointed her towards Dr. Luke. Emily walked over with a professional yet friendly demeanor.

Are you Dr. Luke Harding?" Emily asked.

"Yes, I am," Dr. Luke replied, smiling.

"I'm Emily, Lev's secretary. She wants me to send you up. She's in the office," Emily explained.

"Great, thank you," Dr. Luke said, feeling his excitement grow.

Emily led Dr. Luke to the elevators, and they stepped inside. She pressed the button for the 30th floor, where Lev's office was located. The elevator ride was a brief moment of calm before the big surprise. Dr. Luke could hardly wait to see Lev's reaction.

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