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Surprise Visit! The Unexpected Emotion

Levs Mansion...

It was Saturday, and she planned to spend the day catching up on some reading. Just as she settled in with her book and a cup of coffee, her phone rang.

Lev's phone rings. She answers it.

Lev: Hello?

Lev's Mom: Hi, Lev! How are you?

Lev: Hi, Mom. I'm good, thanks. What's up?

Lev's Mom: I wanted to let you know that there's a package being delivered to you today. It's something I ordered for my best friend, Sonia your Aunt. It's quite special and came all the way from Canada.

Lev: Oh, okay. No problem. What do you need me to do?

Lev's Mom: Once you receive the package, can you deliver it to Sonia? I've already called her to inform her that you'll be bringing it over today.

Lev: Sure, I can do that. What's Sonia's Aunt address?

Lev's Mom: [Gives the address] It's 123Minuri street...

Lev: Got it. Anything else I should know?

Lev's Mom: No, that's all. Just make sure Sonia gets it today. Thank you so much, honey!

Lev: You're welcome, Mom. I'll take care of it.

Lev's Mom: Great. Talk to you later!

Lev: Bye, Mom.

Lev hangs up and gets ready to receive the package.

Delivery Man: Package for Lev.

Lev: Wow, that's huge. Thank you.

Lev signs for the package. The delivery man sets it down with a grunt and leaves. Lev tries to move the box but it barely budges.

Lev: (to herself) How am I going to move this?

Lev pulls out her phone and dials James, her personal driver.

James: Hello, this is James.

Lev: Hi, James. It's Lev. Are you available today to drive me? I have a huge package that I need to deliver a huge package from my mom.

James: Sure, I can be there in about 30 minutes.

Lev: Great, thank you. I'll see you soon.

Lev waits, and soon, James arrives. He helps Lev carry the heavy box to Levs car and they load it into the trunk.

James: This is quite a package. Where are we delivering it?

Lev: It's going to 123 ,Minuri Street. My mom's friend Sonia is expecting it.

James: Got it. Let's get going.

They drive to Sonia's address. Upon arrival they approach a huge gate with a security booth. Lev presses the intercom button.


Sonia Park was not just the owner of Seoul University Hospital; she was the heart and soul of it. For years, she had dedicated her life to building one of the most prestigious medical institutions in South Korea. Her vision for the hospital was as modern and forward-thinking.
Her son, Dr. Luke Park, had followed in her footsteps, becoming one of the leading cardiologists at Seoul University Hospital. The hospital was more than a family business; it was their legacy.

Security: Hello, how can I help you?

Lev: Hi, I'm Lev. I need to deliver a package for Aunt Sonia.

As soon as Lev introduces herself, the security gate starts to open.

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