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Wedding Planning Checklist:

Dr. Luke and Lev woke up to a bright and beautiful morning, their schedules miraculously free from their usual commitments. It was a rare day off for both of them, and they were excited for what the day held. Today, they were meeting Cathy, their wedding planner, to explore potential venues for their upcoming wedding.

As they sipped their morning coffee, Lev looked at Dr. Luke with a twinkle in her eye. "Are you ready to find the perfect place for our vows?"

Dr. Luke smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. "Absolutely. I can't wait to see what Cathy has in store for us."

A couple of hours later, they arrived at Cathy's office. Cathy greeted them with her usual enthusiasm, her binder filled with detailed plans and beautiful photos. "Good morning, you two! I hope you're as excited as I am to find the perfect venue for your big day."

Lev nodded eagerly. "Yes, we are! I've always dreamed of having our wedding in a beautiful church where we can solemnize our vows."

Cathy smiled, opening her binder to a page filled with images of stunning churches. "I have a few places in mind that I think you'll love. Let's start with St. Michael's Cathedral. It's one of the most beautiful churches in the city, and it has an elegant, timeless feel."

They got into Cathy's car and drove to the first venue. As they approached St. Michael's Cathedral, Lev and Dr. Luke were awestruck by its grandeur. The soaring spires and intricate stained glass windows seemed to reach the heavens.

Inside, the cathedral was just as breathtaking. The high vaulted ceilings, gleaming marble floors, and rows of wooden pews gave it a sense of reverence and beauty. Lev could already picture herself walking down the aisle, surrounded by their loved ones.

This is perfect," Lev whispered, her eyes brimming with emotion.

Dr. Luke put his arm around her shoulders, nodding in agreement. "It's everything we imagined and more."

Cathy beamed. "I'm so glad you love it. And remember, the sky's the limit for your wedding. We can make this venue truly magical with the right decorations and touches."

They spent the next few hours discussing the details—floral arrangements, lighting, music, and more. Cathy took meticulous notes, ensuring that every aspect of their vision would be brought to life.

Lev and Dr. Luke felt a sense of excitement and relief. They had found the perfect place to exchange their vows and start their new life together.

With the wedding ceremony venue chosen and secured, the trio set off for their next destination: the wedding reception venue. Cathy, ever organized and enthusiastic, led the way, her binder filled with potential venues that could accommodate their extensive guest list.

As they drove through the city, Dr. Luke turned to Cathy. "Just so you know, our guest list is around 1,500 people, maybe even more. Most of our guests are from the business and medical worlds, so we need a venue that can comfortably hold a large crowd."

Cathy nodded, already anticipating the challenge. "I've got just the places in mind. Our first stop is The Grand Pavilion. It's one of the largest and most elegant venues in the city. I think it will be perfect for what you're envisioning."

They arrived at The Grand Pavilion, and Lev's eyes widened as they approached. The venue was stunning, with grand columns and sprawling gardens that created an atmosphere of sophistication and luxury. Inside, the ballroom was even more impressive. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, inviting glow over the vast space.

"This is incredible," Lev whispered, taking in the grandeur of the room.

Dr. Luke nodded in agreement. "It's perfect for our reception. There's plenty of space for all our guests, and the setting is just beautiful."

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