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In high school a group of friends were sitting on their very usual table in cafeteria talking their regular stuffs and listening to each other.

In high school a group of friends were sitting on their very usual table in cafeteria talking their regular stuffs and listening to each other

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" You know the forest behind our school said to be haunted ", Jimin squeeled as he was a lover of haunted stories.

" Here we go again with your haunted shit ! ", Taehyung rolled his eyes at his best friend

" Oh Tae! Come on it's interesting. Don't you wanna know if those myths about the forest is real ? ", Jimin pouted cutely narrowing his eyes at Taehyung

Taehyung sighted " ok ! Ok! Tell ... I'm listening..."

" So it is said that twenty-nine years before there wasn't a forest but an auditorium where circus shows were held but due to a horrifying incident later on people started to consider it haunted and the whole area was abandoned and turned into a forest eventually. " Jimin explained totally immersed into it.

" What was the incident? ", Yoongi said biting his nails in fear as he was really scared of horror stories but you know curiously kills the cat !

" Oh why you wanna know am already scared ", Hoeseok said whining in fear .

" Aish ! You two are really scared of some stupid story ", Taehyung scoffed sipping on his strawberry milkshake

" It can be real too ", Jimin said

" I don't care", Taehyung said

" Whatever!", Jimin showed his tongue to Taehyung who was making a done face at his friends and continued his story " so the incident was that 1995 - 1996 high school batch of our school was taken for outing on a school trip to the circus show ! But .....the whole auditorium was set on fire . Almost every one was saved as before the fire was turned into arson people were out . Later on they came to know that a student was stucked there and died , no one saved him . No one bother to search for him ... People says that his soul still lingers there . Due to some hauntings people faced later the place was declared to be haunted and was abandoned for last twenty - nine years ", Jimin finished his story and looked at Yoongi who was looking scared but trying hard not to show, Hoeseok, who was not able to hide his emotions as always and then Taehyung who was busy in his food not giving a damn about the stupid story.

Jimin smirked proud of his story " so...what you guys think? "

" It's scary and I hope it's just a story", Yoongi said gulping , water as his throat was dry.

" I think it's based on real story....", Hobi closed his eyes clutching over his Sprite can

Jimin hopefully looked at Taehyung

" don't expect an answer from me .... It's damn stupid" , Taehyung scorned at the story and two males who was scared of it and believed it .

" Come on Tae... Ghost can be real ! ", Jimin said

" I'll believe when I'll meet one.... now am going to class as lunch time is almost over ", Taehyung said and got up from his chair holding his now empty plate .


Taehyung came home and threw himself on couch tiredly "ahh! " Taking a deep sigh

" Oh my son is home...here have some water", Mrs.Kim said filling glass of water for her lovely son .

" Thank you Eomma! ", Taehyung said gulping down the water.

Mrs Kim smiled and sat beside Taehyung when Taehyung kept his head in his mother's lap and layed on the couch. Mrs Kim lovingly ruffled her son's hair " seems like you are so tired hmm? "

" Hmm I am", Taehyung said snuggling more into his mother's lap " you know today continuously we had lectures and top of that Jiminie's stupid stories! "

Mrs.Kim chuckled " I bet today again Jimin would have came up with a new horror story"

"Exactly! Sometimes I wonder from where he gets all those stupid things ", Taehyung exclaimed and giggled thinking of his bestie

" And today he took a story from our own school! ", Taehyung chuckled

" Hmm? What story?", Mrs.Kim asked

" Hmmm.... something story' of any incident in 1995 about circus where our school students went and blah blah blah ...", Taehyung laughed but then looked at his mother who suddenly stopped running her fingers through his hair.

" What happened Eomma? ", he asked seeing all colours draining from his mother's face , she looked like she was lost somewhere" Eomma! Eomma!. .... EOMMA! " Taehyung shook his mother grabbing her back to Earth

"Ha! Yes? ", She said in shaky voice

Taehyung sat up straight " what happen to you suddenly? "

" Me? No-no-nothing nothing happened go and freshen up I'll ... I'll serve food", She got up and went to kitchen

Taehyung was dumbfounded...

Continues in next chapter...

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