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Taehyung and his friends were now sitting on terrace" I like how the forest is directly visible from your house ", Jimin said admiring the haunted forest as some godly creature.

" Seriously Chim ... Again ", Yoongi said

Hobi noticed Taehyung being so quiet and thinking something deeply while looking at the very forest.

" What happened tae ! ", Hobi asked

" Hmm? Nothing happened ", Taehyung said

" Oh common don't lie .... I'm sure you are thinking about the haunted forest story right! ", Jimin grinned

Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance

" You're not denying means you believe that there's a ghost ", Jimin jumped in happiness

"NO! There might be other reason but Ghost ! ", Taehyung growled

" How you are sure huh? ", Jimin scoffed

" Then wait till I prove it ....", Taehyung challenged

" Oh I'll wait then...", Jimin smirked unknown about the wild plan running in Taehyung's brain .


Two days later in school during at lunch break Taehyung picked his school bag and camera. He loves to click pictures.

" Why you brought camera today Tae ? ", Jimin asked

" Oh ... I... actually today I thought to click some photos after school before going home that's why", Taehyung chuckled weirdly

Jimin narrowed his eyes and leaned to take a closer look at his friends face " are you hiding something? ", Jimin wiggled his brows

Taehyung chuckle nervously " haha chim what are you saying...hahah there's nothing hahahah! "

Jimin scoffed " aren't you laughing too much to make it more suspicious huh ? ".

" What are you saying! Am going! ", Taehyung said and ran out of the classroom.

" Where are you going it's lunch break not dispersal ! ", Jimin shouted


Taehyung sneaked out from the school crossing the school fence. He marched towards the forest behind the school.

Taehyung looked at the trail leading into the deep forest.

He examined the whole area and took a deep breath, he took his camera out and snapped some shots of forest entrance .

He took few steps on the trail his eyes caught a cute rabbit. He scoot down trying hard not to disturb it and placed the camera in front of his eyes.

 He scoot down trying hard not to disturb it and placed the camera in front of his eyes

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Spooky Circus {taekook short story}Where stories live. Discover now