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Taehyung and Jungkook has been now dating since three months already. They decided to tell everyone.

Today was weekend and Taehyung invited everyone to his apartment.

" Why you called us ? ", Jimin asked

Taehyung laughed nervously " well Actually I have someone to introduce to you guys "

" Wow! Don't tell me you are dating", Jin said making Taehyung choke on the air

" Here take water ", Hoeseok gave Taehyung water

" So... finally you moved on", Yoongi asked

" Well it's true I'm dating ", everyone widen their eyes" but I did not move on yet "

" Tae stop talking rubbish...how can date someone when you still love him . That's like cheating your partner ", Jimin said sternly

Taehyung gulped " please guys calm down...whom am dating is the person I love ...he is Jungkook "

" Ok you love ...wait WHAT ? JUNGKOOK? ", Jimin exclaimed

" Wait I have heard this name before ! "Jin said

" How can you forget it's my name hyung ", a complaining voice came from behind, everyone turned to see the owner of the voice

Taehyung facepalmed himself " can this bunny be little less aggressive"

Jin widen his eyes " Jungkook? "

Yoongi and Hoeseok looked at each other and gulped as they remembered the horrifying scene twenty years back. They are still scared of ghost .

Jimin was in utter shock to speak .

Namjoon was the calmest , he is trying to be patient and understand the things .

" I think we should first listen to them before reacting", Namjoon said and everyone went silent.

Jungkook sat beside Taehyung while everyone was giving them questioning stare .

Taehyung gulped and looked at everyone. Jungkook gave a gentle squeeze to Taehyung's hand under the table.

Taehyung took deep breath and said " I and Jungkook are dating"

" Wait a fucking minute...is this same Jungkook? ", Jimin said

Taehyung nodded

" How ? ", Yoongi asked in horror

" What do you guys mean by same Jungkook have you met before...but Jungkook has recently shifted to SK from USA ", Jin asked in confusion

" I am reborn ", Jungkook said

"WHAT? ", Hopeyoonmin exclaimed in union

" What are you guys saying... reborn hahaha! ", Jin laughed but stopped as he saw everyone was dead serious

" Just listen to me carefully now without any question ", Taehyung said and everyone went silent

" So yes I met Jungkook twenty years ago and he was a ghost...he got salvation and now again he is reborn ", Taehyung said

Hopeyoonmin were silent as they knew it was truth

But Namjin was not taking this shit " are you guys playing some prank ? ", Namjoon asked

" See it's not good joke ", Jin threaten

Jungkook took a frustrated breath " stop That , Tae hyung is telling right...wait I'll show you something " Jungkook said and took out his phone showing something.

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