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Taehyung opened his eyes. He looked around only to find himself on circus stage .

Taehyung widened his eyes to see the circus auditorium full of audiance cheering!

Taehyung widened his eyes to see the circus auditorium full of audiance cheering!

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To his horror each and every audience had same face it's Jungkook's. They all were laughing evilly and there eyes were creepiest .

The whole crowd was chanting together " perform! Perform! Perform! ".

Taehyung was feeling like it's the end for him .

Suddenly whole crowd stood and started to march towards him with creepy face still chanting " perform ! "

Taehyung crawled backwards " no ! Don't come near ! NO ! STOP!"

Taehyung shouted and suddenly his eyes shot open . He realised that it was just a dream .

He breathed heaving but to his surprise he was really in the auditorium , but there were no audience. And the auditorium looked worn out and dilapidated. The auditorium was burnt of course.

He looked here and there " I have to get out of here damn ! "

Taehyung ran out of auditorium and ran into forest . There doesn't seem to be a way out . Still with little hope he started to search.

In the dark forest he noticed a beam of light and without second thought he ran towards it .

He could see the way out of forest . But before his feet could touch the light , branches of trees creaked and started to bend . They wrapped around Taehyung crushing him between their embrace.

Taehyung shouted and closed his eyes trying his best to wiggle his body out of those branches but it was all useless.

Branch seem to move in a particular direction with speed of light making Taehyung feel twist in his abdomen. He thought now it's the end and closed his eyes tightly but to his surprise branches stopped and placed him on ground.

Taehyung left out a deep breath which he didn't know he has held for a while . He looked around realising he was back to the circus.

He saw Jungkook smiling at him spookily, patting the rabbit in his hand.

" Welcome back~", Jungkook sang in murderous tone " What you thought huh? You can come whenever you want and leave whenever you want! HELL NO ! It's me who'll decide whether to let you go or not"

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" Welcome back~", Jungkook sang in murderous tone " What you thought huh? You can come whenever you want and leave whenever you want! HELL NO ! It's me who'll decide whether to let you go or not"

" Pl-please please let me go", Taehyung could feel tears brimming in his eyes.

" Oh common don't think your tears can lure me . You're not going until my revenge completes ! ", Jungkook said sternly

" What revenge? What I have ever done to you ? ", Taehyung said falling on his knees

" Not you but your father ... And you'll help me to accomplish my revenge ", Jungkook smirked

"NO ! I'll not... If you really want revenge just kill me don't go to my parents! ", Taehyung said

" No I don't punish who is not at fault . It should be your father who ruined my life . And now you'll stay here until your father comes here in search of you . I waited for twenty nine years and now time has finally came . "

" WHAT HAS HE EVEN DONE TO YOU !!? ", Taehyung shouted in anger

Jungkook laughed like a psycho facepalming himself but soon his laugher turned into sobs , Taehyung looked him in confusion and fear . Jungkook removed his hand and looked at Taehyung with teary eyes. " they ruined me ! I was just an ordinary student but they ruined me...they ruined everything", Jungkook fall on his knees hanging his head low .

Taehyung gulped and took few steps towards Jungkook " ar-are you alright! ", Taehyung asked in sacred voice . He flinched when Jungkook suddenly looked at him with creepy smirk " what will happen to me am already dead hahahhaa ! "

Taehyung fall on his but due to Jungkook's sudden action.

" Don't even dare to run away because you can't! ", Jungkook said and vanished .

Taehyung was scared . He never believed in ghost but now he is literally alone in this forest with a ghost who wants revenge from his father . What can be worse now !

Taehyung was feeling tired and hungry. He laid down on the cold ground, closing his eyes and letting his tears fall .

Continues in next chapter...

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