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" When I woke up I was in this burnt auditorium. It didn't took me time to realise that I was already dead . I tried to get out but I couldn't move further from a particular circumference. Souls who has incomplete wishes , regret or grudge are not supposed to get salvation untill they leave or complete it . They are stuck at some place like me until their wish come true or they get over their wishes ", Jungkook said

" S-so you are st-uck here ! ", Taehyung said between his sobs making Jungkook nod

Taehyung hugged Jungkook making him shock . Yes he was hugging a ghost but fuck it ! Who cares !

Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly " am sorry Jungkook....am so sorry because of my parents....", Taehyung sobbed

Jungkook broke the hug and stood up with serious face while Taehyung was still sobbing.

" What does parents mean...? ", Jungkook asked

" I-I am son of both Jung su and Yuna ", Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was shock but soon smiled in creepy way " wow! Now I can have two people at once hahah . You know if you hadn't come here then I would have never expected to face your parents again..... I should thank you now eventually they'll come here ", Jungkook looked darkly into Taehyung eyes

Taehyung didn't know what to do . He can't escape from the forest . He knew his parents would be in danger but what they did was not defendable. They deserve punishment but not death . Taehyung was sad for Jungkook too . He was in dilemma.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's watch " you got a nice watch! ", he smirked

Taehyung gulped knowing that compliment was surely something complicated

Jungkook snapped and the watch was now in his hand . " Did your father gave you this ? "

" N-no my mother gave on my sixteenth birthday", Taehyung said

Jungkook grinned and looked at watch " great ! " He vanished right in front of Taehyung's eyes.


Jungkook suddenly appeared in front of Taehyung making him jump " ahh! " , Taehyung put hand on his chest and sighted " oh it's you ! "

" Who else? ", Jungkook said

" I thought ghost ! ", Taehyung said not realising that Jungkook was the one already

Jungkook chuckled " I am one already "

" I know but I'm not scared of you", Taehyung said

Jungkook sat in front of Taehyung and leaned closer " why I am not scary enough! "

" No you are I mean no not really.... what I mean is you are scary but cute at same time", Taehyung said

" Didn't I told not to call me cute kid ", Jungkook glared

" Didn't I said not to call me kid ! ", Taehyung glared back

They both looked at each other and laughed

" Haha it's wierd but I like your company ", Taehyung said

" What ? After knowing am ghost and I might kill your parents you think so ....?", Jungkook asked

Taehyung sighted " I don't care what you are as I know that you are a nice guy . And for my parents we still don't know what future holds. I really love them and I want them to be safe and healthy but what they did was not justifiable too . I still don't support idea of killing them but if they are really at fault they should be punished by law atleast.... I don't know I have mixed feelings. I just don't want to think too much and focus on the moment am living in "

Taehyung said with a small smile and looked at Jungkook who was already looking at him but was quick to avert his gaze . Taehyung chuckle" oh common I know am handsome...you can stare me I don't mind "

" You are irritating ", Jungkook said

Taehyung pouted " whatever! Well can you tell me where I can pee or poo and like take bath and on top of that I don't have clothes too "

" Are you staying in five star hotel demanding so much ", Jungkook scoffed

" Oh ... How can I survive without these things ", Taehyung complaint.

Jungkook sighted and snapped his finger turning leaves into clothes while Taehyung was watching it in shock " you can do magic wow! ", Taehyung exclaimed

" Of course am ghost ... I can do whatever but in my circumference. "

Jungkook snapped his finger and wood from trees cut out in a perfect shape creating a high fence and maybe digging a deep hole , creating a temporary toilet like in those olden eras .

" There's a little lake here , you can take bath there ", Jungkook said solving all problems and looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled and hugged Jungkook" thank you Kookie! "

" Who is Kookie? ", Jungkook asked

" You .... You are kookie it suits you. It's cute like you ", Taehyung showed his boxy smile

Never in either life someone called Jungkook so lovingly, yes his parents did but giving nicknames was something beyond imagination for him .

Continues in next chapter...

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