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After a while...

Taekook were sitting beside the lake , seeing the sunset . Hands interwined together, Jungkook's head on Taehyung's shoulder just perfect.

" So tell me about you kookie , how are you in this life ? ", Taehyung asked

" I am Jeon Jungkook , my parents are Jeon Jiwoon and Jeon hana , my father is CEO of Jeon enterprises , I have been living with my parents in USA "

" What ? You are heir of the famous Jeon interprises? " Taehyung exclaimed

Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's reaction " yes... Actually half heir , branches of Jeon enterprises in USA my elder brother is supposed to take over and in SK I'm supposed to take over after my graduation. Though now company has a manager and appa takes care of it online. "

" So how you came in SK ? "

" I waited till I became twenty so that finally my parents allow me to come to SK for further studies. I have been insisting for it since last five years and finally they agreed to send me "

" USA probably has best education then why here ?" , Taehyung asked

" USA don't have you " Jungkook said

It somehow made Taehyung feel giddy inside , he smiled and pecked Jungkook's lips .

" Then when you remembered about past life ? ", Taehyung asked

Jungkook smiled " when I saw you at my cousin's wedding"

Taehyung looked confusely at Jungkook " huh ? "

" Am talking about Jeon Jin , now Kim Jin as he married to Namjoon hyung"

" WHAT? You are cousin of Jin hyung", Taehyung exclaimed

Jungkook nodded " yes ! And In his wedding I first time visited SK , that's when I saw you. You were from Namjoon hyung's side ... The moment I saw you, memories from past life came back... All the time I spend with you in that forest and all ... But I was just eleven and you were twenty seven... You probably didn't recognise me but I did ."

" Then why you didn't tell me ? ", Taehyung asked

" Common! How can I ? I was just eleven even I would have approached you , it wasn't possible for me to live here , I was supposed to return back to USA . It would be impossible to convince my parents and they would have never believed me I was just a kid , thought I got all my memories back . I just admired you from afar . Finally now after nine years of wait I came back and I'll be permanently be here as I have to take over company in Seoul ", Jungkook said

" One last question! ", Taehyung said

Jungkook laughed " ask my king ! "

Taehyung gulped listening Jungkook " you changed a lot you are not grumpy and rude anymore. You act more playful "

" Hmm in this life I'm living my life as I wanted to beside in this life everything has been good to me . Also now I'm not innocent Jungkook who gets bullied now I know to fight back "

Taehyung hugged Jungkook " am happy that you got a life you deserve "

" Well what about your dream of being a singer ? ", Taehyung asked backing off

" I have completed that too. I have a great fan following... people love my music ", Jungkook said

" Really then why I didn't came across your music? "

" Are you sure ? ", Jungkook smirked

Taehyung shook his head

Jungkook leaned and whispered in Taehyung's ear " but I saw you enjoying and humming my songs "

Taehyung felt his heart racing feeling Jungkook's breath beside his ears and on his nape " wh-when? "

" Am Faceless clown ", Jungkook said

Taehyung was really shock " what ? Really? "

Jungkook nodded

" Kookie I hope I know everything now because I can't bear one more shock . I'll probably have a heart attack. Like first you appeared after twenty years. Then you are heir of Jeon enterprises. Jin hyung's cousin and also met me nine years ago . Now you are the unknown singer I have been listening from five years... I'll not wonder if you say that you can turn into a rabbit with a snap of finger "

Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's cute reaction " hahah am sorry hyungie "

" What did you call me ? ", Taehyung asked

" Hyungie why you don't like it...? ", Jungkook pouted

Taehyung smiled and pushed Jungkook on the ground hovering over him " I loved it "

Jungkook looked into Taehyung's eyes " now that when you are this close am realising that how empty I have been all those years without you"

" Me too Kookie! " , Taehyung said and placed his lips on Jungkook's.

They were lost in each other. They were just not getting enough of each other after waiting twenty years for this moment. They were moving their lips in sync. After worshipping Jungkook's lips , Taehyung poked his tongue on Jungkook's lips which he opens welcoming Taehyung's tongue. Taehyung was now devouring Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook mirrored Taehyung's action and did same while pulling him more closer than he already was .

After almost twenty minutes they pulled away huffing .

" Sorry for being impatient", Taehyung said

" Am impatient too ", Jungkook said

They both smiled and embraced each other. They stayed like that laying on ground in each other's arms feeling each other's loud heart beats

Continues in next chapter...

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