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It was weekend already. Taehyung usually find that similar boy but never got chance to talk . Taehyung himself was confused why he gets appearing everywhere.

Currently Taehyung was going to his comfort place where he visits on weekends usually but maybe this time he was not alone to visit.

Taehyung parked the car and walked to the trail leading in the little forest .

He always comes here as it's only momento he has of Jungkook . The forest was like any normal forest. It was not dark , it doesn't had that magical glow anymore which Jungkook has created with his magic. But still Taehyung liked the forest , it was still beautiful.

Taehyung went to the very same lake he and sat enjoying the nature. That's when a rabbit ran to him and sat on his lap . Taehyung smiled and hugged the rabbit " hey how are you bunny ... Did you missed me because I did ", Taehyung smiled .

Taehyung's eyes became teary " you know I miss that big ghost bunny too ... It's been twenty years but I can't seem to move on...or I should say I don't want to move on... You know I really miss him . Can't there be a miracle and he comes to me back ..." , Taehyung chuckled at his own thoughts " I must be silly ... I know there won't be any miracle"

Taehyung hugged the rabbit and cried harder .

" You're still a crybaby! "

Taehyung looked up hearing a voice . There stood The very same masked boy .

Taehyung was confused , he stood up " who are you? And what are you doing here huh ? "

The masked boy came near when Taehyung took his steps back but his back met with the tree trunk . Taehyung was not a weak boy now anymore he can beat the shit out of anyone but this boy was making him weak .

The boy came near and looked into Taehyung's eyes. He wiped his tears amd said " don't you recognise your kookie ? "

Taehyung widen his eyes, his heart felt like jumping out of the rib cage any moment. What on earth is happening? Is it a dream ? Taehyung for a second forgot to breath .

The boy removed his mask making Taehyung more shock .

Fresh tears rolled down from Taehyung's eyes, with shaky hand he touched Jungkook's cheek still not believing if it's a dream !

" Y-you are ... You ...", Taehyung can't seem to utter a word

Jungkook held Taehyung's hand and kissed it " yes it's me Jungkook"

That's it Taehyung immediately hugged the male without any second thought or question .

Taehyung sobbed " ko-kookie it's re-ally you .... I..I missed you"

Jungkook hugged back and cried too " I missed you too Taehyung"

Taehyung broke the hug and cupped Jungkook's face " but how? "

Jungkook smiled " maybe your wish of some miracle came true ... I am reborn... Do you believe in recreation? "

" I believe in everything after falling for a ghost already ", Taehyung said giggling through his tears

" But now am a human ", Jungkook said

Taehyung smiled " yes you are...now you are not cold anymore you feel so warm when I hug you...", Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's chest " y-ou have a heart now"

" And it beats for you", Jungkook said

Suddenly something strikes in Taehyung's mind " how old are you? "

" Twenty... why? "

Taehyung looked down " but am thirty six already. You should be with someone as your age who is perfect for y-"

Before Taehyung can complete Jungkook closed his mouth with his lips.

Taehyung closed his eyes feeling Jungkook.

Jungkook backed off and looked at Taehyung with mad eyes " are you for real ? I reincarnated for you and you're saying me that we can't be together...? Really? I don't care if you are older . Do you think I'll love someone else other that you... what you take me for huh? That's so offending...you know how -"

This time Taehyung cut Jungkook off with his lips but it's was not soft like Jungkook's kiss it was more , Taehyung was moving his lips showing all his love , affection , eagerness and wait . He kissed Jungkook more deeply and switched their position now Jungkook was pinned on the tree trunk. Jungkook reciprocated the kiss and pulled Taehyung more closer by his neck by wrapping his hands around Taehyung's neck .

After a good ten minutes they pulled off forming a string of saliva , breathing heavily...

" Am sorry 'huff' for say 'huff' -ing that " , Taehyung said and caressed Jungkook's swollen lips .

" Never say that again...", Jungkook said and glared cutely

Taehyung chuckled and pulled Jungkook in a hug " I'll never let you go kookie "

Continues in next chapter...

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