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Taehyung was in art class , drawing something random when his best friend called him in whisper " shh shh Tae! "

Taehyung looked at his best friend weirdly and whispered back " what! "

" What are you drawing....my head is blank help me" Jimin indicated to his plane canvas and made a puppy eyes blinking it cutely

Taehyung sighted and whispered " ok chim scoot little closer to me and draw the same what am drawing just give it a slight change to make it look different "

Jimin happily Scoot near Taehyung to have a clear view of his drawing.

" What are you drawing?", Jimin asked

" Just a scenery which I captured in my camera earlier ", Taehyung said making Jimin form an ' O ' and nod in appreciation with a thumps up.

" By the way why you are asking for help , why don't you draw your lovely ghosts whom you search for always", Taehyung teased

" Oh Tae ! ", Jimin whined

" Taehyung and Jimin are you done talking! ", Miss Choi , the art teacher shouted with a sharp glare making both males gulp and bow apologizing.


In cafeteria -

" In two months our finals are starting have you guys started preparing", Yoongi asked

" Yes ", Taehyung said taking a bite of his fried chicken

" What in two months we have finals ! ", Jimin exclaimed

Hobi gave a judging look to Jimin " are you stupid! "

Taehyung smirked " you would know when you will focus on other things rather than those stupid ghosts! "

Yoongi shook his head at younger " it's ok now you know... start preparing"

Jimin nodded with a smile

" Finally after two months our school life would finish", Hobi said

" Yeah we'll be university students then ", Yoongi said

Jimin pouted " that's not fair you two will be going while me and Taehyung still has to spend one more year . I would miss you guys ! "

Yoongi chuckled at younger " oh common chim , it's just a year then you can catch wth us in University too and don't worry we'll still hang out like we do now hmm ! "

"Really...then promise", Jimin showed his small pinky

Yoongi giggled at cute finger and wrapped it with his pinky " promise ! "

Jimin smile in satisfaction.

Hobi and Taehyung adored both of them , they knew there's something between them more than friendship. They have a especial bond but both of them did not realise yet though.

" By the way appa is throwing a small party for my sixteenth birthday day after tomorrow I want you all to be present there ", Taehyung said pointing his finger at everyone with a warning look.

" Yes caption! ", Jimin , Yoongi and Hobi said in union making Taehyung laugh.

Continues in next chapter...

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