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Taehyung entered in principle's office of university.

" Hello hyung...", Taehyung greeted the a year older male than him .

" Oh Tae! Come have a seat ", Namjoon smiled " what brought you here? "

" Hyung your phone is on silent ? ", Taehyung asked

" My phone? ", Namjoon picked it up" oh yes ...shit Jin called ! "

Taehyung grinned " he called me too saying you are not picking up the call "

" I'm screwed he'll be so angry ", Namjoon said making Taehyung laugh

" You're having fun huh ? You would understand me if you also had a husband or wife ", Namjoon scoffed

Taehyung laughed harder " I think now you should care about your ears more than my married life because Jin hyung is going to scold you ..."

Namjoon narrowed his eyes in annoyance " don't laugh and go to your class , today new sessions are starting... You gonna have new first year students"

" Yeah am going ... All the best", Taehyung grinned and ran out of the office.

Namjoon was his senior in college. He was classmate of Yoongi and Hoeseok Taehyung's school friends. Namjoon took over his father's University as principal and offered Taehyung to be a professor. Taehyung is working here since last seven years. And today like every year new sessions are starting means new students.

Everything changed in last twenty years.

Yoongi was now a CEO and married to Jimin . Hoeseok and Jimin run a prestigious dance academy together in partnership.

Hoeseok is dating Yoongi's sister Yoonji and planning to get married soon.

Taehyung also became successful as writer and professor .

What was constant is that Taehyung's love for Jungkook. Though it's been twenty years he still haven't forgot those twenty precious days he spend in forest with his first love Jungkook. He knew his love story can never be complete as Jungkook was long gone already but Taehyung's feelings were still the same . He can't seem to move on no matter what .

Everyone was settled and had a partner except Taehyung. He is still lingering in memory of those twenty days in haunted forest in spooky circus !


In classroom....

Taehyung was standing in front of new students with his beautiful smile and appearance while everyone was drooling over him.

" So students... welcome to University life . This is a new start of your life . I know it must be hard as you just finished your school life but it's not impossible. Things are going to get tougher but with your dedication you can face everything. I'm not going to speak any longer as I'm bored and maybe you too", Taehyung said

Everyone laughed

" So today let's start with studying something normal and yes am not going to do the introduction session because in the end I'll forget everyone's name anyway so let's gradually get to know each other and learn names no need to rush right? "

" Yes professor ", Students said in union

Everyone liked Taehyung's nature...

After a while...

Class was over and students were leaving the lecture room ...

When Taehyung's eyes fall on a very familiar boy . Yes it was that mask boy .

Taehyung ran behind him , he himself don't know why but he just wanted to know him .

But before Taehyung can reach he went away. Taehyung sighted and collected his things and went to his teacher's cabin .

Continues in next chapter...

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