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It's been two weeks and some days since the video incident at school. I've been suspended for a whole month, and I know it's coming to an end soon.

Initially, I thought staying at home all day would be hell, but surprisingly, I couldn't be happier. No club or school stress, just me and my little evening part-time job.

Speaking of which, it was enjoyable and manageable until Gerard started showing up every evening to pick me up and drop me off in the morning.

Gerard mentioned that his dad's assistant had visited Austin's house that night, only to find it empty. They assumed he must have run away.

Ana, a girl Gerard had mentioned to me before, also reported Austin for assault and kidnapping, providing the police with her statement.

One thing was certain: Austin was being searched for, and he was on the run. This brought both relief and anxiety for me.

Austin's name had spread through the school like wildfire when I confided in Mr. Collins about what had happened and what he had been up to.

Even though I wasn't in school, Sarah gave me the whole rundown of how gossip had swirled around him. I knew everyone would be shocked to learn that someone like him was actually the opposite.

I had also reported him for stalking and physical assault, and I knew the end result of everything wouldn't be good. But that wasn't really the problem; my problem right now was Gerard.

I turned for the umpteenth time on my bed, clad in shorts and Gerard's hoodie that I had snagged from his wardrobe last week. My hair splayed out, covering half of my face as I clutched the phone tight to my ear.

"So he said no again?" Sarah's grumble filled my phone. It was almost noon, but I was still laid on the bed, refusing to get up.

"Yes," my voice came quietly. Sarah had suggested we go on a double date with her and Bret, and I had been really excited about the idea.

But Gerard had shot it down immediately, saying it wasn't safe and it would be better if we didn't go. The idea had been brought up a week ago, but Gerard still wasn't budging.

"You have got to be kidding me, is he your dad or what?" I could picture Sarah rolling her eyes as she said so.

"I mean...he has been acting all tough and protective over you since he heard Austin was on the run. What the heck? He can't really dictate for you, Zera," Sarah almost hissed.

"Actually, I agree with him. No one has seen or heard from Austin in over two weeks now, and we don't know what he's up to, so..."

"So, you plan to become a nun and stay holed up inside your room. You said he doesn't even let you go grocery shopping sometimes. Are you messing with me? This suspension lasts for a month, Zera; you should make the most of it. Going out on a date for one day won't kill you."

I turned, my gaze shifting to the ceiling of my room.

Sarah was right. Gerard had been hovering around my house, day and night, taking care of me and ensuring I had everything I needed, not allowing me to go anywhere without him.

We had nearly had a major argument when I told him I didn't want him to come and pick me up from my evening job.

He still believed Austin was watching us and that anything could happen to me. Right now, he was in Junior's room, engaging in whatever they had been up to these days, but I knew he would be back in my room soon.

He was lucky Mum wasn't around as much as she used to be. She had decided to open a small bakery with her savings, as she had told me, and she had been busy lately.

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