4. America the father I never had

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America's POV:

I woke up to the blare of my alarm. Hawaii was kicking me in my face, and Alaska and Arizona must have joined us sometime last night. I carefully get out of my bed and pull on a random nato hoodie. When I go downstairs, New York and DC are drinking coffee aggressively. "Why are you two awake?" I ask to make my own cup. They both shrugged and went back to whatever they were doing. I quickly drank my coffee and ran to my car. When I entered the meeting hall I felt eyes on me. I sat in my seat and focused on the material at hand. I sneakily answered a few texts to my kids. I realized something I hadn't seen Confederate or Native hadn't. 'Dixie?' I thought. Suddenly, Dixie appeared. "Union, you never call on me usually. Are you seriously injured again?" Dixie said. I shake my head slightly, 'Check on my kids, please.' I thought. Dixie nodded and disappeared. I rubbed my face. I honestly forgot I had my sunglasses on. After a while, the meeting ended, but before I could leave, Canada came up to me. "Ame, we need to talk." 

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