21.the end: Gay chicken

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America's POV:

I got married to Russia a month after our date. My wedding was the best day of my life, all my kids were singing and dancing and everything went without a hitch. A few months after our wedding, two babies appeared, which we named Rusca and Amera. Canada's provinces personified also, but they weren't all young kids. their age fluctuated. I decided to give Bri- I mean dad a chance and let him back into my life. Right now, as I am right, this Australia is playing with Florida and Texas, New Zealand is playing tag with some of my younger states, while mom and dad fussed over the babies. "She has your eyes!" Mom said excitedly, holding Amera, dad was holding Rusca, who was babbling a lot. I was holding Puerto Rico and and Russia held Guam. Mariana, Samoa, and Virgin Islands were getting tummy time on the floor. I loved my kids they were the light of my world. Russia was getting used to being a dad of 61, with more coming probably. I sighed content, and Russia kissed my forehead. Soon, more knocks came on the door, and Delaware opened it to reveal Canada, Ukraine, Japan, North and South Korea, and China. Japan looked around, "Is my daughter not here?" She asked, I shook my head, and Canada picked up Samoa. "I guess almost everyone is here." Canada said. I nodded, and DC entered with Tokyo. "Sorry, dad, we stopped to get ice cream." I nodded and leaned back on the couch. "You look stressed." Russia stated, I glared at him, "Really now?" I said through gritted teeth. He nodded and side hugged me. "You need to take a break." Russia said, I glared at him, "I do not, Texas. I swear if you fire that gun." I said, Texas lowered his gun slowly. I have the best family, but the stairs are still my ops.

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