His first love | Final | KTH

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The winter wind howled outside, a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from beneath the covers. Taehyung, snuggled against you, his head resting on your chest, drifted off to sleep. The soft glow of fairy lights cast dancing shadows on the ceiling, remnants of your low-key birthday celebration earlier. It was everything he'd wanted – simple, intimate, filled with laughter and whispered secrets.

You traced idle patterns on his arm, a wave of contentment washing over you.  Earlier, you'd surprised him with a homemade birthday cake, the lopsided frosting a testament to your amateur baking skills, but the look of pure joy on his face had been the most perfect gift.  The evening had been spent reminiscing, sharing stories of childhood birthdays, and making plans for a future that seemed brighter with each passing day.

Now, as you gazed at his peaceful face, a surge of love and protectiveness filled you. The memory of his struggle, the dark days when fear had clouded his eyes, was a stark contrast to the peaceful slumber etched on his face now. You had witnessed his strength firsthand, his determination to walk again, and a silent promise bloomed in your heart – to be by his side, through thick and thin, forever.

Unable to resist the urge to show your affection, you leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.  A gentle smile played on his lips, even in his sleep, as if your touch reached him even in the land of dreams. 

Pulling him closer, you burrowed deeper into the warmth of the blankets. The cold winter night held no sway over you, nestled in the embrace of the man you loved.  In the quiet intimacy of the moment, you found a birthday gift more precious than any material possession – the promise of a love that had weathered hardship and emerged stronger, a love that promised forever.

The winter sunlight, pale and diffused, peeked through the curtains, painting soft stripes across the bed. Taehyung stirred, the first tendrils of consciousness pulling him from sleep. He blinked away the remnants of dreams, his gaze falling upon the sight that always left him breathless – you, still nestled peacefully beside him.

Your face was turned towards him, the gentle rise and fall of your chest a testament to your slumber. A stray lock of hair tickled your cheek, and he reached out instinctively, brushing it aside with a tenderness that mirrored the newfound depth of his feelings. 

The past few years had been a whirlwind of emotions – the fear of his accident, the grueling road to recovery, and the blossoming love that had surprised them both. Yet, as he gazed at you, a sense of calm washed over him, a quiet certainty that amidst the chaos of life, you were his constant.

He traced the outline of your jaw with his thumb, a silent map of the features he had come to cherish. The memory of your confession, the way your voice trembled as you spoke of your love, sent a shiver down his spine. It was a love that had defied time and circumstance, a love that had found its way back to them in the most unexpected way.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He remembered your surprise last night, the way your breath hitched as he saw you in the black lingerie, a stark contrast to the cozy sweatpants you usually wore to bed. The night that followed had been filled with a passion that mirrored the depth of their rekindled love, a silent vow whispered against your skin.

But this morning, as he watched you sleep, there was a tenderness that transcended the physical. It was the quiet intimacy of shared dreams, the comfort of a hand reaching for yours in the darkness, the knowledge that you were his safe harbor, his home. 

A soft sigh escaped his lips, and he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. The gesture was silent, yet spoke volumes. It was a promise to cherish every moment, a vow to fight for their future together, a whisper of "I love you" that resonated deep within the quiet sanctuary of your shared awakening.

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