Beginning of the End

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It's July 30th, and the Dursleys have been gone on a trip for the past week, leaving Harry alone. Of course, he's not complaining about them being gone; he gets to eat whenever he wants and he doesn't have to worry about being locked in my room for 'breathing wrong.', or whatever sorry excuse his relatives came up with.

Lately, the events of his first year have been running through his mind; namely his sorting and what the hat had said; he wanted to talk to Sirius about it but he hadn't heard anything from him or any of his friends since the summer had started. He's tried sending letters, of course, but they never responded. He knew that talking out what he was thinking was the best way for Harry to sort out his feelings, so, with no one better to listen to his rant, he turned to Hedwig.

"Hedwig, wanna hear something funny? The sorting hat originally wanted to put Harry In Slytherin. It said I could be great, and Slytherin would help me on my way to greatness" he paused, looking at the snowy owl, who cocked her head as though she was telling Harry to continue.

"Sometimes I feel like I should have let it, y'know. At least then I would have real friends; they always seem to stick together. And there are times when I don't feel like I fit in with the other Gryffindors. "

Hedwig chirped before looking at him, then looking towards the window. He figured she was done listening to Harry and wanted to spread her wings and go get a mouse or two. He got up from his spot on his bed and went to open it, but she didn't fly out; she just looked at Harry like she was waiting for something to happen.

As he was standing at the window, he was looking for Canis Major and the Dog Star. While he was standing there looking out at the night sky, he saw movement to his left, and there in all his glory was Sirius Black floating on a broomstick.

"The hell are you thinking, Padfoot!? You could be seen!" he chuckled at the 'adult,' and yanked him in and shut the window praying to Merlin that no one saw Sirius.

"Eh, even if someone saw me, the look on your face was priceless! And a few memory charms never hurt anyone- I think anyway. I figured you would like some company since your birthday is in a few hours!" With a mischievous smile, he pulls something out of his pocket handing it to Harry.

"Should I be concerned?" he asked, seeing the look on his godfather's face, who shook his head as if offended by the notation. Sirius then hurriedly gestured for Harry to open it.

Huffing slightly, he opened it, tearing up when he saw it; in my hands was a book saying, "Lily and James Potter" and a silver snake-shaped bracelet. He set the book and the bracelet down on his desk then launched himself at Sirius, wrapping him in a hug.

"I knew you'd like it; your parents wanted to give it to you for your 15th but since they couldn't I figured as your godfather it was my job; they loved ya, y'know that ri-" he was cut off by Harry hugging him.

After a few seconds, we broke the hug, one smiling like an idiot and one looking terrified. He separated further from him and started panicking repeating the words "Please don't leave me" slowly going into a full-blown panic attack.

"Harry, you need to breathe; I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. Let's sit down, and once you're calm can you tell me what that was about?

They sat down on the floor back to the bed while he was trying to figure out how to explain what had happened; after a minute, he decided the best route was to start from the beginning- literally.

"Umm, I guess I have a lot I need to tell you, so get comfortable we'll be here for a while. Before I explain what that was about, you need to know what the past 14 years of my life have been like" he paused to gauge Sirius' reaction and continued after Sirius nodded at Harry saying he was listening.

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