Draco Is Not A Morning Person

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Much like the previous morning, Hadrian's day started by being awakened by Kreacher. He was momentarily irritated until he remembered his and Draco's plan to visit Valentino Manor to see the sunrise before the chaos of the day began.

"G'morning Kreacher. What time is it?"

"4:30, just like your inferi had requested."

"Lovely, you can go now Kreacher."

As soon as Kreacher left Hadrian flipped over hoping Draco was awake. It seemed that he, unfortunately, was not. Meaning Hadrian was responsible for waking the angry pomeranian.

He decided the best way to do that was from the other side of the room with a shield thrown up. He got out of bed as quietly as he could and then crossed the room to a dark corner. Once he was there and had his shield up he got ready to make his move.

"Hades if you get me wet I will personally deliver you to Dumbledore."

"You're awake?"

"Clearly. Kreacher woke me up first."


"Yes. Now come on, let's go see the sunrise so I can go back to sleep."


Hadrian walked over to Draco who staggered a bit when he got out of bed. Hadrian helped him as he got his bearings while forcing himself to consciousness a bit more.

"You have a suspicious ability to always look wide awake and alert."

"As you keep pointing out. Come on."

With that, the two boys walked down to the floo and left for Italy. Floo'ing first thing in the morning with no food or coffee in his system was, in Hadrian's opinion, worse than Dumbledore's Welcoming Speech. They stepped out and both had lost all their colour.

"Maybe we should eat first next time."

"We just haven't been awake nearly long enough for our brains to be working."

"Right, Drake. Come on, we're going to the back patio. I'm not dealing with more stairs just yet."

The patio was one of Hadrian's favourite places at Valentino Manor. It had cobblestone flooring, tables both in shade and out of shade, and loads of plant life. Flowers, fruit trees and raised gardens were spread around the entire back side of the house.

The sun had just started painting the sky when they sat on a bench under a peach tree. Hadrian picked two, handing one to Draco as he bit into it. They sat there in silence enjoying the scenery until Draco had grown bored of the quiet.

"What are you planning on talking to Voldemort about?"

"The only things I know I want to ask about for sure are my dad, tutoring and his status as a Dark Lord. I was kind of just planning on flying by the seat of my pants."

"Yeah, okay that worries me. What about Theo, how are you feeling about that?"

"Nervous and excited. I know you and Blaise have all this faith that we'll get along but you can never know for sure."

"I know Theo, he's always found you to be fascinating. You didn't act the way we expected you to. I guess that's because you weren't actually raised as a pureblood child should, with tutors and money and doting family members."

"At that time though I wasn't a pureblood. I was a half-blood."

"Yeah, but you would have gone to a pureblood family, though I believe your 'grandparents' died just a few years before you were born."

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