Next Time I'm Staying in Bed

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 Hadrian was in a deep, restful sleep, one that he hadn't had in years, but slowly, his ability to breathe was becoming harder and harder. Eventually, he opened his eyes, hoping to get a good look at what was obstructing his breathing. Draco had moved at some point and was lying on me, which would've been fine, but people have to breathe to survive.

Hadrian didn't want to wake him up if it were too early, so he checked the clock before doing anything. It was 4 am—four in the goddamn forsaken morning. They were supposed to be going shopping today, and the interview is coming out. Hadrian was hoping for a lot more sleep than this, at max, he had gotten maybe seven hours.

At this point, Hadrian was already wide awake and had decided if he had to be awake, then so did the blondie that disrupted his sleep.

They were close enough to the edge that all Hadrian had to do was shift his body weight and turn to face the edge entirely, and Draco would go tumbling off of the bed and me, which is precisely what he did.

Draco hit the ground with a thud and a pretty string of curses. It was quite a funny sight; his usually perfect hair was all messed up, and he looked confused and disoriented.

Seeming to gain enough consciousness to guess what had happened, Draco snapped his head towards Hadrian with an accusatory glare.

"What. The. Fuck. Potter.'' He had said "Potter" like he would've in the halls of Hogwarts before everything changed.

"My apologies, Your Grumpiness. You decided I was a good pillow and cut off my air supply. It's 4 am, and we didn't get to sleep until after 9. I wanted to sleep before you and Blaise dragged me around Florence and Diagon Alley."

"And your solution was to throw me onto the floor?! Not gently wake me up or just move me off you? You do realise now we're both awake and likely aren't going to be going back to sleep. You act like it'll be torture to walk through the streets of one of the prettiest wizarding shopping centres." He said all this while rolling his eyes and removing himself from the floor.

"Now, where's the fun in that?"

Draco looked positively pissed at Hadrian's grin.

"I was wide awake, and since it was your fault, I had to return the favour. And it's not torture. I know we'll have to deal with a shit load of people, and I don't particularly feel like doing that on less than 9 hours of sleep."

"Well, now we're going to be bored for four and a half hours, thanks to you. We're not meeting Blaise and his mom till 8:30. And if you need a break from people, there's a beautiful library we could go to for a breather."

Draco had gotten back on the bed and laid across Hadrian's lap since Hadrian had propped himself against the headboard. Hadrian started playing with Dracos' hair once he settled himself and seemed comfortable.

"Well, do you want to do anything? We can't be too loud; waking Padfoot up before he's ready to enter the land of the living never ends well."

"Talk? We don't know that much about each other." He wasn't wrong. Yeah, we've had a few good conversations, but they were more political and philosophical than anything else.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. Want to take turns asking each other questions?"

"Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Do you want to start or do you want me to?" Draco got up and sat in front of Hadrian with his legs crossed.

Hadrian glanced at the clock; it was getting close to 5. Moony usually gets up around 6 to walk around the property and watch the sunrise.

"Erm, you start. We have an hour before Moony wakes up. And like 3 hours before we need to leave."

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