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The next time Hadrian opened his eyes, he was still in the room Rowan had taken him to. The first thing he noticed was Sirius freaking the fuck out from what sounded like a few feet from him. Once Hadrian was more awake, he sat up and watched the scene before him with barely constrained laughter. Sirius was yelling at Rowan as if his life depended on it; the funny part was his lack of clothes except for underwear with ducks on them.

"WHY ISN'T HE AWAKE? YOU SAID 15 MORE MINUTES 45 FUCKING MINUTES AGO! I SWEAR TO CIRCE IF HE DOESN'T WAKE UP SO-" Before Sirius could finish his sentence, Hadrian busted out laughing at the sight of a grown man yelling at someone about his health while in nothing but duck undies.

Finally, having had enough of a neurotic Sirius Black, Rowan and Hailee, walked into the room, spelled some clothes on Sirius and put a silencing spell on him. While Hailee was trying to get Sirius to calm down, Rowan walked over to Hadrian, "How are you feeling? You were out for about 3 hours, which was more than your godfather could handle. Also to see if you're still Lord Potter and Lord Peverell we can do a Lordship Test, it's like the inheritance test but specifically for lordships and heirships."

"I'm fine, I mean a little sore everywhere and I'm starting to get a headache. Other than that I can breathe better than before. The Lordship Test sounds good to me. How do we do it?"

Rowan handed Hadrian a dagger and a parchment, "The parchment is already spelled to show your Lordships and Heirships. Just let three drops of blood hit it and it'll do its thing."

Hadrian did as instructed and set the parchment down. While they waited for it to finish Hadrian looked at Rowan and could see the wisps he was learning were a person's magic around them. Theirs was less bright than his or Sirius', but they were more colourful; some were shades of blue and yellow, and others were shades of purple and green.

Figuring now would probably be a good time to mention the wisps he had been seeing, Hadrian decided to ask Rowan to make sure it was Magic and he was not going crazy.

"Hey Rowan, on my Inheritance test, it said one of my family magicks is the ability to see a person's Magic. I have to focus to notice it, but since I've had my Inheritance, I can see wisps of colours around me, Sirius, and now you. That's the Magic right I'm not going crazy or anything?"

"I believe so, there are only a few written accounts on that ability since it's passed down through bloodlines, and only some in that bloodline get it. From what I have read, people with that ability have described it as a wisp or strings of colour flowing around a person. They believe the brighter the wisp is, the more magically powerful the person is."

"Do you think the colours have any meaning, or is it random and based on the person?"

"I'm not sure. It could be both. You might figure it out by paying attention to the colours and who they're around."

When they finished speaking Hadrian looked back at the parchment and saw that it was finished.


Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin {by right of conquest}

Heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Gaunt {by right of conquest}


Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter {by right of illegal blood adoption}{blood-adoption was undone, but no other living descendant was found/eligible}

Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Valentino {by right of blood}

Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Black {previous Lord incarcerated and stripped of titles}

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