'For The Greater Good' Right Dumbles?

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Hadrian turned to look at the clock on his wall over the desk. It was just barely turning 7. He got out of bed and walked over to the balcony. The sun was rising, and shades of pink, red, purple and orange painted the sky. Anyone could get used to waking up to a view like this.

Looking at the morning sky, he decided to go on a run around the Manor. He changed into sweats and a T-shirt then walked to the front door. It was his first time seeing it, and it was massive. You could tell it was hand-carved. After a few seconds of admiring the woodwork, Hadrian walked out the door and started jogging.

While jogging laps around the property, he noticed the Magic surrounding the house. In the morning light, it looked almost transparent.

Once Hadrian lapped the Manor a few times, he ran back inside to take a shower. Once out, Hadrian threw on some black sweats and a white shirt from Sirius. Before he went downstairs, Hadrian made sure he had his bracelet from Sirius on.

When Hadrian opened the door to the kitchen, Remus was sitting on the kitchen counter drinking coffee. Sirius, however, was nowhere to be seen.

" Mornin' cub. How'd you sleep?"

Hadrian grabbed a cup of coffee and jumped onto the counter to sit next to Remus before answering.

"I slept pretty good. Is Padfoot still asleep?."

"That's good. And yeah he's still sleeping. We should have Kreacher wake him up" Hadrian wholeheartedly agreed with Remus.

"Kreacher!" he popped up immediately. "Can you wake up Padfoot and bring him down here? You can wake him up, however you please."

A gleam of mischief went through Kreachers eyes, and he nodded before popping away. A few seconds later, Padfoot shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DIRTY SHIT FACED-" Before anything else could be heard, Sirius was in front of them on the ground hogtied with tape on his mouth.

The two laughed at the sight and thanked Kreacher vehemently when he popped back up.

After a good five minutes of them laughing, Remus finally ripped the tape from Sirius's mouth.

"Fuck you both. I can't believe you allowed that creature to do that to me." As he grumbled this, he walked over to Remus and buried himself in his chest.

"Aww, Padfoot, you love us. Plus, we wanted your lovely presence."

"Unless you're planning a borderline homicidal prank on Dumbleshit, I don't care what you need." Sirius turned to face Hadrian, looking like he was prepared to fall right back to sleep right where he was.

Remus laughed at the irony of their hatred of a man they all used to adore and respect.

Before anything else could be said on the matter, Kreacher appeared with Lucius Malfoy at his side.

"Master Hadrian. I found Lord Malfoy in the floo room. He requested to be brought to you."

"Thank you, Kreacher. You can go." Lucius spoke to Kreacher in a way that wasn't necessarily disrespectful but showed his opinion of the house elf.

"Morning, Uncle Luci. Whatcha doing here on this fine morning?"

"Morgana, you sound like Regulus. Draco said you wanted me to come over and I have a few things that I'd like to discuss with you in private."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Is this a sitting discussion or would you like to walk around?"

"Sitting. I'd like to have this conversation in an office away from the other members of this house, please." Now that sounded sketchy as shit Hadrian thought as he called for one of his house elves.

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