To Gain A Throne

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Hadrian woke to the feeling of being watched. He opened his eyes, seeing Theo lying on his side next to him.

"Good morning, Ollie."

"Good morning, kallitéchnis mou." Theo's voice sounded hoarse as he spoke like sleep clung to him.

"Enjoying the show?"

"You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to tear you from that."

"Hmm. How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. Draco came in to tell us to start 'moving are arses' and to get ready. I wanted to let you sleep a bit longer. You have about two hours before your meeting with Skeeter."

"The wretched woman."

"You're the one that set up the interview. Go get showered and I'll have coffee when you get out. I put your clothes in the bathroom, shoes are by the bedroom door, and your wand is on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Draco brought you a holster for it. It has a notice-me-not charm on it so once your wand is in it now will pick up on it."

"Oh that's awesome."

"Right, and incredibly expensive. Blaise certainly knows how to make a statement with clothing."

"Good statement or bad statement?"

"Good. I think. The clothes he picked were all top brands, he wanted to show off your money. With who you're meeting today, that isn't a bad thing."

"Today's going to be a lot isn't it?"

"Possibly. Now get your toosh out of bed and into the shower."

"And you called me the bossy one? I'm going."

Hadrian got out of bed, sitting at the edge stretching before walking to the bathroom. His clothes were spread out on the counter, and his rings and his bracelet were set on top of the shirt.

He got showered, letting the warm water rinse away the rest of the grip sleep had on him. After he got out he looked at the clothes Blaise had picked for him. A dark blue Ralph Lauren shirt with a three-quarter sleeve, light-washed Saint Laurent jeans and a pair of black Moncler trainers.

He put his bracelet on his left wrist. Then, he placed his Lord ring on and set it to the Black Lord ring. Lastly, he kept his Heir ring set to the Slytherin Heir ring. When he had all his jewellery on he pulled on the holster, it wasn't as uncomfortable as it looked.

Once he was dressed and had brushed his teeth he walked out into the bedroom. Theo was sitting on the bed, already dressed, wearing a white long-sleeve polo, and beige-coloured trousers.

"I have no idea what to do with my hair. I need it cut, otherwise I'd just wear it down."

"Draco's mum cuts his hair. I'm sure she'd get yours done real quick. How much do you want cut off?"

"Like 6 centimetres? I don't want it longer than my jawline, that way I don't have to worry about cutting it for a while."

"Get your shoes on and we can go find Narcissa to ask her. Oh, by the way, I think you look smashing."

"You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself."

Theo chuckled at that while Hadrian grabbed his shoes from the door to put them on. Once he was done he picked his wand up, placing it in the holster and he and Theo left the room.

"We should get Draco. He should know where to find his mom."

"Lead the way, Ollie."

The two walked down the hall into the room Hadrian had been led to by Tilly the day before. Draco was walking out of the bathroom, hair still wet from the shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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