Books Are Overrated

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After a night of restless sleep, Hadrian woke up to something tapping his hand. The first coherent train of thought going through Hadrian's head was that if it was Padfoot he would be chaining the dog to a post outside during a thunderstorm.

"Sorry to disturb you, Master Hadrian. Your snakies said this was urgent."

"Oh. G'morning Kreacher. I'm not sure you should always trust those two. They throw words like urgent around thoughtlessly. What time is it?" If it's before eight I'm going to gut those two and turn their intestines into scarves for Dumbledore. I

"It's six in the fucking morning, Hades. Six in the godforsaken morning. I stay the night at your place, and the thanks I get is you waking me up early as fuck. What in Morgana's fucking tits is so godsdamn important that your house elf is waking us up."

"Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine? I didn't wake you up this time so you can fuck right off with all that attitude." That got him a pillow to the head and a rather creative curse that I will not be repeating.

"I was giving Master Hadrian a letter. You were not supposed to be here." Kreacher looked at Draco and- I swear to all that is holy to you- pouted. He then handed Hadrian the letter before pooping away.

"It's from the twins, it's probably about the shit the Daily Prophet published yesterday." Hadrian sat up and grabbed his new wand, casting a lumos so he didn't have to turn his room lights on and risk Draco pushing him off the bed. Once he was comfortable he opened the twin's letter.

Dear our lovely little Lord,

Why does Kreacher call us 'Masters Twin Snakies'? It's odd. Your interview with Skeeter caused quite an uproar here. Mommy and Daddy dearest were colder than Antarctica while reading it. Ronald, Ginevra and Hermione weren't upset exactly but they also weren't as emotionless as the aforementioned lunatics, we do not know though it was weird.

Dumbles came over right before your relative's murder and your 'kidnapping' made headlines on the nightly daily prophet. He was fucking livid like someone had served him his severed balls livid. The other fuckers started yelling about potentially losing their money supply.

We have lots of questions, dear little brother. When will we be joining you in whatever hole you've made for yourself? We can help you dig it bigger to fit us three.

~Love your 'Twin Snakes'

Hadrian didn't think those two had it in them to be completely serious about anything. He decided he should probably key them and Blaise into the wards now before forgetting and then inviting them over and discovering what the wards would do to them when they attempted floo here.

Hadrian got out of his bed and headed towards the middle of his room. Draco groaned as Hadrian got up so he turned to look at him and apologise for disturbing his 'royal highness' but it seemed Draco had gone right back to sleep after cursing at poor Kreacher.

Once Hadrian was in the middle he reached his magic out to the wards of the house, he waited till he felt the magic that felt like a warm blanket does after playing in the snow for hours. he let it wrap itself around him and his magic while it was making sure he was the Lord of the house. When it seemed to decide he was the one allowed to call on it and change it, it retreated a bit but stayed close like it was asking what he needed of it.

Ragnok said when keying someone into the wards Hadrian had to think about them and imagine them being there with me. He had to show the magic of who they were to him and that they were welcome in the safety they provided him.

Hadrian thought about the twins when they had first met when they gave him the marauder's map, and when the idea of not having them in his life became a nightmare. He thought about how welcoming and homely they feel to me, and how accepting and protective they are.

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