Fuck Therapy I Needa Beat The Shit Out of Someone

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After Ragnok had shown Hadrian how to key people into the wards, he sent Izzy, one of his new house elves, to get Remus and Sirius. Then found the room with the biggest bed, and passed out.

Hadrian woke up a few hours later to noises in the kitchen, or what he assumed was the kitchen based on the smell of eggs and bacon.

After a few minutes, allowing himself to wake up a bit more, Hadrian left the room and followed the noises to what he assumed would be the kitchen. After about 5 minutes of wandering, he ended up getting lost and decided he would call for Izzy.

"Izzy!" almost instantly, the house elf popped into view. "Could you take me to the kitchen? Do you know if Moony and Padfoot are awake?"

"Certainly, Master Hadrian! Mister Moon and Mister Doggy are in the kitchen! Mister Moon is making food for Master Hadrian and Mister Doggy!"

When Hadrian first met Izzy, she had named all of his titles, so he had asked her to call him Hadrian. Of course, she's still a house elf, so she calls him Master Hadrian. She popped into his room last night after bringing Remus and Sirius to let Hadrian know she put them in the room across from his. She has been calling them Mister Moon and Mister Doggy since meeting them.

As they walked down the manor's halls, Hadrian took in the decor and architecture. It's been renovated recently since it looks more modern than expected for an ancestral manor. The walls were filled with portraits, both of people and scenery. However, the people in the portraits haven't said much to Hadrian yet. They've mostly been whispering to themselves about how he must be the newest Lord Valentino.

They finally reached the kitchen after going down a flight of stairs and making a few too many turns. It was fucking huge, easily the size of the Dursleys' kitchen and dining room combined.

"Morning, Cub! I'm making some pancakes and bacon, there's coffee in the pot over there, and the fridge is fully stocked." As Remus talked, the food smells hit Hadrian's nose, smelling even better than the food at the Hogwarts feast.

As Hadrian walked over to the coffee pot, he realised that for a wizard ancestral home, it had a shit ton of muggle appliances. "I figured all the kitchen stuff would be more; I don't know wizardry; this is rather muggly."

Putting the finished bacon on a plate, Remus looked at Hadrian and said, "I assume we have Ragnok to thank for that. I'm sure he had house elves work on updating all your properties in case you wanted them. I'd be interested to see the full list since the one he gave you only met your requirements."

By the time Remus had finished talking, Hadrian had found the cupboard with the coffee mugs and poured himself some. Hadrian finally spotted Sirius in the dining room, leaving the kitchen with his coffee in hand he went to join him at the table.

The room was almost double the size of the kitchen and had a massive table in the middle of it made of dark wood; the walls were lined from floor to ceiling with windows showing the garden outside.

"'Morning pup, how ya feeling? Did you sleep okay?" Sirius yawned as he finished talking, and went through the three cups of coffee in front of him before finding the full one.

"That was the best sleep I've ever gotten. The bed felt like a freaking cloud! And all things considered, I'm okay; I'm still upset at Dumbledore and my supposed friends, but right now, I'd like to enjoy a morning with two of my favourite people."

"Aww, pup! I knew you loved me!"

"You know what, I withdraw my statement; I'd like to enjoy my morning with Remus, my absolute favourite person ever." Sirius looked at Hadrian like he had broken his heart; this man should be an actor.

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