When the gates opened, J rushed into the glade without waiting, while Thomas and Minho carried Alby. Chuck was already standing there, grinning broadly when she gave him a big kiss on the top of his head in greeting. But then Newt and the other gladers came running.

"That will have been your last trip into the labyrinth for the next while," she heard her brother raging. J preferred not to contradict him at first. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him so tightly that Newt gasped breathlessly. Nevertheless, he returned the hug.

Meanwhile, Thomas and Minho had also arrived at the glade, with Alby in tow. Minho talked loudly about their night. He ended by explaining that Thomas had crushed the Griever.

The other gladers listened intently. All except Gally. He didn't look very enthusiastic about what he heard. And Newt also quickly stopped cheering for the survivors. "That's all well and good, but we have four people here who absolutely need to get to the Med-jacks. Let's go now!"

A few gladers now took Alby's arms and legs and helped carrying him to the Med-jacks. Minho, Thomas and J trotted behind. Newt didn't let go of his sister.

Only when Jeff, the Med-jack who looked after J, told Newt to keep his distance >otherwise he wouldn't be able to treat J< did Newt back away a little. His colleague Clint, the Med-jacks Keeper, leaned over Alby. "I really don't have much hope for this Shank here."

"It's all a big pile of Klunk," Newt blurted out and stomped on the ground. "I have to talk to the other Keepers, you should get some sleep first, then we'll talk again about what you experienced last night."

Newt stroked J's hair again, then left the Med-jacks hut with Clint. Shortly afterwards, J saw >out of the corner of her eye< how Minho gave Jeff a quick signal with a certain nod of his head. Afterwards, Jeff and Thomas also went outside. Now it was only the two of them, and since Alby was still unconscious in his medical bed, he didn't count.

"J," Minho, who had been sitting on a chair a bit away from her, stood up and walked towards her. Jeff had placed J on a similar mattress, to the one Alby was on, to treat her scrapes.

"Minho," J didn't look at the boy as he sat down next to her. Did it just seem that way to her, or was he speaking a little more cautiously than usual.

"Don't ever do something like that again," no, she wasn't imagining it. Minho sounded different than usual. Somehow guilty. And J knew why that was, the same reason why she didn't want to look at him right now.

"What?", she asked briefly, actually she didn't want to talk to him. She was still mad, that he just ran off in the maze and left her and Thomas behind.

"Such a stupid thing, just because of me," Minho moved a little closer to her so that their shoulders touched. As if she had received an electric shock, she jumped up from the bed.

"Just because of you? Wow, you're very humble. After all, Alby was there too. And we saw that if only you had been there, he would have died," now she looked at Minho, with her index finger raised accusingly.

Minho looked concerned for a moment, but then his face became neutral again. He rubbed his eyes and then stood up, groaning. "Forget it, I'm going to sleep."

He wanted to pass her and go outside. But she wasn't finished with him yet.

"Minho!", she shoved him in the chest indignantly. He seemed surprised by her sudden willingness to use violence, so he stumbled back a little.

"When you made me a runner, we swore to each other to stick together, remember that?" J now spoke to him in a tone as if he was a forgetful grandfather.

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