When they returned to the glade it was late afternoon. Newt stood ready like a guardian dog and immediately called in the second meeting of the day.

"J what do you say?" Newt looked at his sister expectantly after the boys had been shouting wildly for a while. Everyone was stressed, there was chaos like it hadn't been for a long time. But when Newt asked J to speak, things got quieter. All eyes were on the girl. However, she had to disappoint the boys >she was confused and hadn't had enough time to think about everything<.

"Whatever Minho says," she shrugged. That was both her and Minho's answer when they didn't know what to do next. At some point, the two of them had agreed that they would stick together in difficult situations.

"Sure, just like always," Gally hissed, glaring at her.

"I'm the runner's Keeper, I know what I'm talking about. She has every reason to trust me," Minho now intervened.

"But now it was J's turn and not yours. You didn't even say anything yet," Gally was immediately provoked and his voice got loud.

"So what? I always make good decisions, so she already knows she can trust me," Minho took a threatening step in Gally's direction.

"And nobody knows why," Gally hissed. But then he began to grin dirty. "Although actually, I can imagine why she trusts you."

"Shut up, it's not important why I agree with whom," J spoke again and looked at Minho and Gally warning. "Thomas wanted to help, he didn't do anything to anyone. He helped Alby even though Minho ran away. Thomas could have done the same. But he didn't, he didn't run away."

"Yes, I get it, Thomas is a true hero." Gally rolled his eyes disparagingly.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, you've never been into the maze. You're just a cowardly fool hiding behind the walls here. And you think you can allow yourself to have an opinion about it." Minho was starting to get really angry.

"Call me a coward again and I'll wring your neck, right here," Gally now stepped even closer to Minho. But the young Asian roughly pushed him away, which only incited Gally further. J at least tried to hold Minho back somehow. Because she knew she wouldn't get through to Gally. "Stop that Klunk, Minho!"

"You'll never threaten me again!" Minho didn't miss the opportunity to give Gally a little push. But then Newt and J grabbed him and yanked him back. However, Gally didn't show the slightest acknowledgment of regret. "You should be ashamed of your inability to lead this council, Newt."

Then the boy turned around and pointed an angry finger at Thomas, who had just been watching the whole time. He seemed a little uneasy. J hoped the Greenie didn't blame himself because the gladers were fighting. It wasn't his fault, even if Gally said so all the time. "If I have to, I'll kill you."

"Gally, did you lose your mind now?" J couldn't help but scream at him. Not trusting Thomas was one thing, but threatening him with death was going too far. But Gally didn't even think about looking at her. He angrily stomped out of the hut without turning back.

"Why did you hold me back? I would have ended him easily." Minho looked accusingly back and forth between J and Newt. Still snorting angrily, he straightened his blue shirt.

"Because you're acting like idiots," J replied forcefully and her brother nodded.

"No, he's the only idiot here," Minho crossed his arms angrily, but Newt gave him a stern look. "Well, you're not an innocent lamb either, my friend."

"The guy threatened us, even threatened Thomas with death," Minho immediately defended himself.

"Maybe there's something to what he says," Winston suddenly intervened. "We don't know anything about Thomas."

"Oh yeah?", J blurted out. She jumped at Winston like a fury. "Then go ahead and smash each other's heads. You can't be helped anyway, all of you. Stupid dumb boys."

Even though half of the guys hadn't done anything, J was now snapping at everyone. But she wasn't sorry either. The whole drama was terribly tiring and she now had enough. Like Gally before, she stormed outside.

To calm herself down, she stopped briefly and took a few deep breaths. Then she spotted Gally, sitting on a tree trunk a few meters away. His chest was still rising and falling wildly with anger, J could see that from here. And even though he had just talked a lot of crap in there, she walked to him.

"Don't even try," the boy with the light brown hair grumbled as she sat down on the grass next to him.

"I haven't said anything yet," J pulled up a few blades of grass and then carelessly threw them next to her.

"But I know exactly what you want to say. You always defend them. But I won't listen to this nonsense. Not today," Gally also picked at some grass.

"Gally, at least try to understand me," J slowly calmed down a bit. She also spoke more pleasantly, which had a positive effect on Gally.

"I understand you J, of course I do," Gally's voice now turned pitying. "I know you want to get out of here because Newt was trying to take his li... Because he can't live here. But who guarantees you, that Thomas will get you out?"

"Nobody, but...", J broke off. Of course Gally had a good point there. Putting all her trust in Thomas was risky. But somehow the Greenie had something about him that no one had ever had before him. Maybe he was crazy, but at least he took the whole thing into his own hands. Even if it meant turning everything upside down, J had to say that she kind of liked the new mess.

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