Shortly after they were freed from their trackers, they came up with a plan. To do this, they divided the tasks. Newt, Thomas and Teresa went into the building first. Gally and J then joined them in the entrance. Except for Teresa, they all wore W.I.C.K.E.D. uniforms, which also covered their faces. At that time, Brenda looked for a car in the underground car park >that would be used for their escape< and got it ready to go. Pan was positioned on a crane next to the city wall in order to then lift the getaway car over the wall. Jorge waited in Lawrence's hideout to prepare everything for the later escape from the city.

Meanwhile, while they were busy, Lawrence waited to attack the W.I.C.K.E.D. This had nothing to do with their plan to save Minho. But it was good for them because it distracted W.I.C.K.E.D.

In the W.I.C.K.E.D. building, their first stop was a fuse box in a high stairwell, which Gally broke open. This was part of Lawrence's plan to weaken the facility's security. But of course it also helped to free Minho. While Gally worked on the cables, the others kept watch.

Suddenly Newt pulled the uniform mask off his head and started coughing. J was at his side immediately and gently rubbed his back. Then she noticed Teresa's look and she knew immediately that Teresa had now realized that Newt was sick.

When they arrived at the cells where W.I.C.K.E.D. kept its subjects, it quickly became clear that Minho was not there. They had at least two dozen children in front of them, but they were all younger than them.

"Damn Klunk!", Newt said angrily.

"Where is he?", Thomas roughly grabbed Teresa's arm. She also seemed clueless. "I don't know. Probably upstairs, in one of the labs."

"Can you get in there?", J asked now. Teresa nodded. "Good, then Thomas and Newt will go with you."

"And you?", Newt asked her. J pointed to Gally. He had tampered with the safe in which the Bliss was kept. He was supposed to get it for Lawrence. "Gally can't take care of the kids and the serum at the same time."

Newt didn't seem satisfied, but finally he nodded. "Alright then. Take care!"

"You too!", J nodded back to her brother.

Then Newt and Thomas set off with Teresa. J would have liked to go with them. She couldn't wait to see Minho again, now that it no longer seemed impossible. But she knew that Gally couldn't do this alone.

"So Minho it is," Gally looked up briefly as soon as the other three had disappeared.

"What?", J looked at him blankly.

"Will it finally get to the big declaration of love once we get him out of there?", Gally grinned broadly at her. "Or maybe I already missed it?"

"Klunk!", J now avoided Gally's provocative look.

"Oh yeah?", Gally laughed broadly.

"Yes. Now get on with your work!" She gave the boy a shove in the shoulder and he obliged her and turned back to the safe.

Meanwhile J's thoughts began to wander. Suddenly she thought back to her kiss with Minho, then to their conversation just before W.I.C.K.E.D. had attacked the Right Arm's camp. But that hadn't been a declaration of love. She knew Gally was just teasing her, but it made J thoughtful. Talking about love was really too much. Or wasn't it? The fact that she wanted to get Minho out of here had nothing to do with love. The others wanted to save him too. But people couldn't just love romantically. There were many ways of love. However, J was aware that she and Minho were not friends, at least not just friends. Sure, from a friendship point of view, she was sure that she loved him. But in another way, she didn't know... Shaking her head, she freed herself from the thoughts. Gally had just made a joke, wanted to annoy her a bit, so there was no reason to worry about it.

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