Their plan to free Minho wasn't particularly complex. Their target was a W.I.C.K.E.D. transport train that was carrying the test subjects. Nevertheless, there were risks and so they all had to memorize the process carefully. Brenda and Jorge started with a diversionary maneuver. So Vince and Thomas were able to get on the train inconspicuously. There they detached the last wagons from the rest of the train, because the prisoners were most likely in there. Meanwhile, Brenda and Jorge were of course captured by a W.I.C.K.E.D. Airstation. This was where Harriet and Pan came into play, who hijacked the Airstation from ambush. During this time it was Newt's and J's job to attach some carabiners to the correct wagon. They did this with a welding torch. J felt like she was sweating to death under her protection hat. Nevertheless, they were ready when Jorge flew the stolen Airstation to them. And so they fixated the chains that were lowered from the Airstation to the installed carabiners. Now all that was left was to take off. Of course, they had to be careful not to get hit by the W.I.C.K.E.D. bullets. But in the end they all escaped unscathed, so they bursted into victory spirit and started cheering.

But they rejoiced too soon. It didn't take J a minute to realize that Minho wasn't in the wagon when they opened it at their camp >in a collapsed village near a body of water<. She felt something inside her tense. She almost doubled over in pain. But instead, she just started shouting angrily.

"He's not here!", she kicked the nearest seat with full force. The girl sitting on it jumped in shock. Newt gave his sister a reproachful look. So J mumbled a sorry, the girl was not responsible for anything and it was good they saved those kids. Still it was not Minho. So she turned on her heel and stormed out of the wagon.

She was pissed. Well actually she wasn't angry. But the alternative would have been to be terribly sad, and she really couldn't allow that right now. Because if she'd become sad, she would no longer be able to pull herself together, then the pain would overwhelm her. So now she channeled all her emotions in one direction, the direction of anger. And that anger was just fueled when Vince gave a speech to everyone in attendance around lunchtime. Two more days and then the man wanted to set off for Safe Harbor.

"That's not what he had said at first." J tried really hard to speak calmly. But she didn't really succeed. However, she had the feeling that her blood was boiling. Why wasn't anyone here as upset, that Minho hadn't been in this wagon, as her?

"J please, be reasonable," Newt also seemed to be struggling with himself, not to argue with her now. Sure, everyone was stressed. The rescue operation had been a disappointment for everyone who had wanted to help Minho. It just didn't work out in J's head, because why wasn't anyone trying to make a new plan and if that wouldn't work, another one until Minho was back.

"Newt, Minho and I have stuck together ever since we first went into the maze together. He's my partner, I... We just have to get him back," J's voice now took on an almost pleading tone.

"What if it puts you in the grave?", Newt crossed his arms and looked at her intently.

"It won't," J replied confidently, hoping it could change something. But Newt shook his head. "This may sound selfish and it hurts my heart, but you have to keep your feet still for now. I don't want you to act overhasty. Because you're above Minho on my list of priority, I'm sorry."

J's breath shook with anger and disappointment, but she didn't argue further. She knew Newt wouldn't let her change his mind.

A little later the gladers and Harriet then went to the rescued. More precisely Aris and Sonya, because they were in the wagon after all, which also made J happy. But of course that didn't make up for the fact that Minho wasn't there. And so J only listened with one ear as the others began asking Aris and Sonya questions about W.I.C.K.E.D. and their brief imprisonment. But suddenly J's head snapped to Aris. Thomas had just asked the slight boy if W.I.C.K.E.D. had any other transport trains and how it was possible that Minho hadn't been on this one. Ari's facial expression became terribly pitiful, then he replied something that made J petrify for a few seconds. "Thomas, Minho was on the train."

So he had been there. They had picked the wrong damn wagon. J couldn't even describe how she felt right now. Somehow completely empty. And then she felt bad. How could she even wish that they had chosen a different wagon, then Aris and Sonya would still be in W.I.C.K.E.D.s clutches. No matter how J twisted and turned it, there was nothing good. As long as W.I.C.K.E.D. was there, nothing was good at all. No decision was the right one.

When evening came, they >Thomas, Newt, Harriet, Pan, J, Brenda, Jorge and Vince< met in a kind of organization center that Vince had set up here at short notice. The mood was tense. It quickly became clear that J wasn't the only one who was unhappy that they still didn't have Minho back. In an upset tone, Thomas tried to convince Vince to try to free him again. But it was as if the boy was talking to a wall. Vince showed no willingness to compromise. J was about to throw a tantrum, tears of anger gathered in her eyes. Without responding to the shouts as she stormed out, she rushed away. She had to clench her jaw with all her might to keep from screaming in frustration. Why didn't anyone here understand that she... Well, what exactly? Why couldn't she see that it wasn't that easy to get Minho back?

"J!", she heard Thomas running behind her, but she didn't stop. "Hey! Wait!"

When he reached her, she had already arrived at the room that had been assigned to her as her sleeping quarters for her time here.

"What?", she turned to him so furiously that Thomas took a step back in shock. "Hallelujah, no wonder you handled all the Shanks in the glade. You're scary."

J had to smile at that for a moment, but then her forehead furrowed angrily again. "What do you want Thomas? I'm not in the mood to chat."

"Obviously," the brown-haired boy replied meaningfully and helped her turn on a few lights because it was already getting dark outside.

When he finally spoke up, he had J's full attention. "I know Vince wants to do the right thing. Save as many as possible, so it doesn't make sense for him to risk everything for one person. But I'm still determined to keep my promise. That's why I'm going to get Minho out of there. I will go wherever this train brought him and I'm leaving tonight."

"I'm coming with you," J said immediately after Thomas had finished. The brown-haired boy laughed.

"I was counting on that," he then said and looked satisfied. But suddenly their harmony was interrupted. The beating of a propeller shattered the evening silence. J groaned in annoyance. "Not again."

"Second time in three days. We must have upset them when we disrupted their transport today." Thomas sounded quite gloating when he realized this. J and Thomas acted immediately and turned off all the lights in their area. The other residents of the camp followed suit, becoming one with the night and therefore invisible.

It was nothing new that people were looking for them. At least W.I.C.K.E.D. knew they were still out here. So they weren't particularly scared when the helicopter passed over them, because they kinda had become used to it.

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