The meeting wasn't over yet. They still had a lot to discuss about what to do next. But they were interrupted. Namely from the siren. The one that sounded once a month when a new Greenie came into the glade with the box. But that didn't make any sense. Thomas was already here...

Without hesitation, all the Keepers jumped up and stormed out of the hut. Outside, the remaining gladers also ran to the box.

"What does that mean?" Chuck looked at J with wide eyes as she came to a stop next to him. But she couldn't give him an answer. She didn't know what was going on.

Now Newt squeezed past them, forward. Together with Gally, Pan and Zart he opened the lid of the box. When they finally got a look inside, the gladers in the front rows gasped in equal measure. J couldn't believe her eyes either.

"No way!," Minho muttered. He was standing behind her and leaning over J's shoulder to get a better look.

"What's going on Newt?", some gladers from further back called out to their second-in-command.

"It's a girl," Newt, who had now climbed down into the box, finally said.

J looked at the stranger with wide eyes. She had dark hair and light skin. Her eyes were closed. Was she dead? Unconscious?

"I think she's dead," Newt said. Then he pulled something out of the girl's hand. A piece of paper, which he then read out. "She's the last, forever. What the hell does that mean?"

"Think about it, superbrain," J called down to her brother in the box. He was about to say something in response, but something scary happened. The girl reared up briefly, opened her eyes and said something. It was just a single word. "Thomas."

Then the girl fell back into her strange sleep. Now all eyes were on the original Greenie. But the poor guy looked no less confused than anyone else.

Finally, once again that day, J found herself in the Med-jacks hut. The gladers had placed the girl on a hospital bed similar to Alby's. Jeff had good news. The girl wasn't dead, just unconscious. Sure, otherwise she would hardly have been able to wake up briefly.

Now they all stood around the girl >the Med-jacks, J, Newt, Minho, the other Guardians and Thomas<.

"So Thomas, do you know her?" Newt sounded strangely harsh when he asked that. It was probably all too much for him in one day and he was pretty exhausted.

"No," Thomas didn't look like he was lying. Gally grimaced, of course he didn't believe him.

"Doesn't she even look familiar?", Newt asked. Thomas shook his head again and said no. But Newt didn't stop maltreating him. "She seems to know you."

"Now let Thomas process this a bit. Or are you jealous?" J and Minho exchanged a grin.

"You know exactly what I'm getting at. We weren't happy about you back then either," Newt replied and then very firmly pulled her away from Minho. "I told you, you two, not happening the next days!"

J rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to the dark-haired girl. "Well, maybe the people who put us here finally decided they'd tortured me enough and sent me a girlfriend."

When she looked at Minho shortly afterwards, he stuck out his lower lip, like he felt insulted. Pan held back a grin before agreeing with J. "It wouldn't be completely unbelievable."

"But she didn't say J's name, she said Thomas." Newt stuck to his opinion and finally J couldn't help but give the brown-haired newcomer a searching look. He now looked at J in return.

"Maybe it's like you and the names. I know her," Thomas started. "I don't know where from, but I think I know her."

"He would probably like that," Minho said smiling. J gave him a stern look. "Let it go, that's not the point."

"What? Look at how he looks at her," Minho let his eyes jump back and forth between Thomas and the unconscious girl.

"He looks just as stupid as you do, when you see J," Zart intervened, and Minho immediately looked angry, which made J grin.

"I told you, let it go," she then added meaningfully, whereupon Minho gave her the middle finger.

They then left the girl in the care of the Med-jacks. Unconscious, she couldn't give them any answers or explanations. So they had to be patient.

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