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'Ella, can we switch over? I'd like to watch his match,' I dared to ask her.

'Sure,' she said, grabbed the remote and switched to Sky, which was currently showing all the matches from the Wimbledon tournament.

We switched over at the perfect time, because Carlos' first serve had just gone off. He was wearing his all-white Nike outfit again, which always suits him. His first serve was good. Carlos' opponent wasn't bad either. Despite this, Carlos beat him. I was proud of him, but I didn't want to reveal it. It hurt too much to keep reminding myself that we were treating each other like strangers. Carlos won all three sets 6 to 3. He's in the final, wow. Who would have guessed that a few weeks ago, probably no one. After the match, the camera pointed at him. Although he's in the final, he looked so sad. It hurt to see him like that, but there's nothing I can do about it.

'He looks so sad,' said Jack.

Ella bumped into him.

'It's all right, he's not a taboo subject.

We can talk about him, it just hurts, but don't pretend he doesn't exist,' I said seriously.

'We're sorry,' Ella apologized.

I wasn't mad at them because I knew they were just trying to protect me.

"Don't you want to talk to him again?" Ella asked cautiously.

'I tried twice and twice I didn't get an answer and the door was slammed in my face. Yes, I know I screwed up, but I don't deserve that,' I explained to them both.

'You're definitely right about that. You already know what you're doing. If anything happens, we're always here for you,' Jack said.

I gave them both a smile.

'We're back,' came Mom's voice from downstairs.

Ella and Jack only stayed with me for as long as the game lasted, because after that they were still scheduled. I myself was still on bed rest, imposed by my dad. Quite boring in the long run. Ella and Jack said goodbye to me. Mom and Dad talked to me a bit to make sure I was okay. After that, they left me alone again. Long bored, I started a new series, Narcos. It tells the story of the rise and fall of drug lord Pablo Escobar in the 1980s. The first few episodes were very interesting and brutal.

There was a knock. What does mom want again?

"Yes?" I asked, annoyed.

His face was the last thing I expected to see. Carlos looked at me for the first time in five days. What a relief. He closed the door behind him and placed the flowers he had brought with him in the vase on my desk, which were beautiful, by the way. I sat up straight and put the blanket down so that Carlos could sit down, which he did. Silence flows through the room once again.

'Congratulations on your win today. You played really well,' I said carefully.

Now he turns his body completely towards me and looks me in the eye. Without saying anything, he hugs me. I immediately felt so close to him. It felt great to hold him in my arms again, even if it was only for a short time.


'Let me start. I'm so sorry that you had that car accident. I should have listened to you and not pushed you away,' he interrupted me.

'I understand why you avoided me,' I said sympathetically.

'But if I had listened to you and not slammed the door in your face, you wouldn't have had that car accident,' he revealed his school feelings.

'It's not your fault,' I told him.

His eyes filled, as did mine.

'Then why do you feel that way?

'I can't tell you that. I can only tell you that the accident was my fault and not yours. I also want to apologize to you, because what I said to you was anything but fair. I know you were just trying to look out for me and I really appreciated that in hindsight. You know, I was never used to someone forbidding me to do things or looking out for me. And because of the alcohol, I took everything more easily and wanted to try things out and when you got in my way, I blew all my fuses. I'm so incredibly sorry. I can only promise you that this will never happen again, in the hope that you will forgive me like this,'' I revealed my whole heart to Carlos.

'I really appreciate that. I really just wanted to protect you, because I care about you. I forgive you because I just can't be without you. I've suffered so much the last few days not seeing you,' he replies.

I was so glad that he forgave me. I fell into his arms. I had needed a hug like that for days.

'I missed you too,' I whispered to him.

"And I'm sorry that I didn't say a word to you in the hospital. It was just that I didn't know what to say. Because when I saw you lying there with those scars on your face, my heart broke with worry.

'It's all right, I'm much better now,' I assured Carlos of the truth.

"What are you watching?" Carlos turned to the TV.

'Narcos, it's about a drug lord,' I explained to him.

'Let me watch with you,' he said, opening his arms to me and inviting me to lie in his arms.

No one could take away the feeling of lying in his arms now. Lying in his arms brought me peace, which is priceless. My love for him is greater than for any other person.

el amor del tenis - Carlos Alcaraz ( English Version)Where stories live. Discover now