3. Storytime

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Hey guyss!! I hope you guys are doing well.

Anyways let's get into the story shall we? To bad we were anyways.


Johnny's pov:

Twobit and I watch as everyone leaves the house, leaving just him and I in the house together.

I am sitting down on the couch just watching twobit be twobit.

Twobit was grabbing a beer and a big slice of chocolate cake. I rolled my eyes behind his back.

He soon hurried up and sat down on the floor looking up at me and turned off the radio in the process.

Which shocked me not gonna lie. He hates when the house is quiet and always has the radio on even if he doesn't pay for anything.

"So from the beginning." Twobit demands which made me shake my head. What did I get myself into?

"Well it all started from the beginning..." I began


I saw curly and pony walking. Well I wanted to see if it was them. Cause I heard there voices but who knows.

I moved myself through the trees and peeked my head out a bit and saw it was them. I mm

I stepped on a stupid twig and stepped into the suns glare and curly and pony were standing there.

The way curly got in front of pony and how pony was hiding behind curly. It wasn't anything like it.

'There in love' I thought to myself and I softly smiled.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you guys." I told them and curly loosened up a lot and pony did too.

Curly glanced at pony and pony eyed curly for a second to like calm him down. And when he did pony looked at me.

Pony dragged me to the park with him and curly. And the entire time I could just see the feeling radioing off of them.

Pony and curly were just goofing off and when pony was on the jungle gym curly was right by it.

Curly was eyeing pony to make sure he didn't fall. I smile at this and just admire them.

This stayed like this for hours. And hours. These two are in love.


I finished the first part and twobit had this soft smile on his face. I have never seen this type of smile on him.

"Johnny boy that's what I call true love." Twobit said and smiled and shook his head.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen and went into the fridge and grabbed a beer. He popped the lid open and took a big swig from the beer.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Let's go crash there moment." Twobit announced and my eyes widened.

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