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the judges were all sitting on the chairs, observing the performances of the different teams

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the judges were all sitting on the chairs, observing the performances of the different teams. seolji, when she saw group k's [back door] team come on stage, exclaimed "i'm excited to see their performance.", while back koo young had a mixed look.


𝖺 𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗄 𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗋

"can all the vocalist come out ?"

taerae, yujin and yunseo came forward with their papers in their hands. yujin and yunseo, seoljin asked if the two were candidates for the main vocal position, to which they agreed. the star masters congratulated them both, and min-jun's heart was filled with pride.

as for the dance, when seolji asked, no one came right away. the evil dance master (min-jun didn't like him in the slightest), said to get in place to evaluate them.

at first, everything went well, but unfortunately, yujin made many mistakes that he noticed immediately. he therefore kept a constipated face throughout the performance.

once the demonstration was over, they all lined up in front of the mentor. he complimented jongwoo, then surprisingly (not) min-jun.

"min-jun, you are really talented, you have an incredible memorization of movements and absolutely everything is fluid. well done."

for min-jun, he put on a grateful face, even if he didn't like him, so as not to appear ungrateful. "thank you very much."

"han yujin."and here we go again. he continued his monologue filled with criticism towards his tiny baby, and min-jun didn't even dare to listen. this bastard. he was really going to end up strangling him.

min-jun was going to ignore him again, when the dance master said something he couldn't let go.

"if there's a member that's ruining the performance, it's you."

it was after that that min-jun intervened without anyone expecting it.

"can you please stop that, sir, it's really embarrassing."


yujin felt really bad. he was going to throw up, maybe. he really didn't perform well and he knew it. he also knew that he was gradually losing his self-confidence due to stress and criticism, which really did not encourage him.

back koo-young yelled at him again, and he was really exhausted from all of his criticism. then he sent him one last "advice", the blow that would definitively destroy his morale: "if there's a member that's ruining the performance, it's you."

yujin was going to start crying. he swore himself he wouldn't. but he could not stop them from flowing eternally. he wanted to go home. he was not completely blind to the pitying looks of his teammates but there he was all alone. all alone... until he wasn't.

"can you please stop that, sir, it's really embarrassing."

yujin turned around towards the loud voice that came from beside him, a stunned look placed on his face. who could possibly say such a thing ? min-jun hyung. 

"how so ?" replied the dance mentor, in an annoyed tone. yujin saw out of the corner of his eye the cameras zoom in on the confrontation.

"you know that yujin is 15 years old, that he is young, and that since the start of the show, you have not stopped criticizing him just because you have been compared to him, right ? i know i'm being rude, and i really apologize, but i can't accept that you destroy a young boy's dreams just by criticizing him like that. and if you tell me that it's to help him toughen up, I don't believe it for a single second, because you just managed to demoralize him."

"..." koo young was at lost of words, face's blank.

"excuse me for my rudeness, I can leave if you want."   "yes, you can, please."

without saying another word, min-jun walked out of the room, followed by yujin, jiwoong and taerae.

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