Chapter 1

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"Ty, stop!" I sternly tell him, batting him away while laughing.

He steps even closer, putting his hands on my hips, and he pulls me into him. I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes. I couldn't imagine anything would make me happier than this right here. Being in the moment with the boy I thought I'd be with forever.

"We're coming in!" Elena hollers as the front door swings open in the other room.

"Yeah, and you two better be dressed this time!" Bonnie chimes in, following footsteps in the main entrance of the Lockwood's house.

Giggling, I pull Tyler in for one last kiss before pulling away. Quickly, I check in a nearby mirror to be sure my lipstick isn't all over either of our faces. Then, I grab my phone off the couch.

"Put a shirt on, pretty boy. We wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea," I say, smirking as I pick his shirt up off the floor, and I toss it to him across the room.

"Thanks, hot stuff," he teases, and he winks, causing me to scowl at him before heading into the room Elena and Bonnie were in.

"Elena! Bonnie! I'm so glad you're back!" I cheer, giving each of the girls a hug.

I back up a little just in time for Tyler to come up behind me, leaning in the entryway. Thank God he put the shirt on, after all. Bonnie and Elena exchange a look of surprise, probably because, for once, Tyler wasn't shirtless. If he could, he'd go to school shirtless. Probably every day.

"Caroline, I can't wait to tell you everything that happened," Bonnie says, and she starts rambling about her all-powerful, Bennett witch ancestors.

I hate to admit it, but sometimes Bonnie talks so much about all this witchy stuff I don't understand, which usually means I smile, nod, and don't ask questions. Unfortunately, today was one of those times. So, I plaster on my best smile, nod like I'm listening, and occasionally glance at Tyler, who is now hugging me from behind.

"Okay, could you two stop making googly eyes, for like, two seconds?" Elena asks, causing my cheeks to heat up, and Bonnie to giggle at my embarrassment.

"Hey, I can't help that I'm in the same room as the hottest girl in Mystic Falls," Tyler says, spinning me to face him, and he swoops in for a kiss.

"Eww!" Bonnie and Elena exclaim in unison, shielding their eyes.

"Could you not make-out in front of us?" Elena asks, laughing the awkwardness away.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you two still live in the nineteenth century, and you haven't actually had your first kisses yet," I shot back with my arms crossed and a stern look on my face, causing both girls to gasp.

We all knew I was playing, so I wasn't worried they would take it the wrong way. We've all practically known each other since infancy. Tyler came a bit later, but the girls and I have been close-knit all of our lives.

Besides, I'm certain they've both kissed someone before. At least once.

"Bonnie, Elena, it is so nice to have my girls back!" I state, beaming with glee at each of them.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Bonnie groans.

"Of course! When do I ever let anyone come back without a formal welcome back party?"

"Care, really, you don't have to do that-" Elena starts.

"Nonsense!" I interject, cutting her clean off.

"I've been looking for an excuse for a party anyway! Make sure to text me Matt's new number so I can invite him, okay?" I ask Elena pointedly, knowing she had his number.

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