Chapter 3

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After successfully spending the last two weeks of my summer avoiding basically all of my childhood friends, I was nervous to see them again. Any of them, really. Bonnie and Jeremy less than the others.

I spent the rest of my summer with Tyler, Liv, Matt, Lexi, Enzo, and Klaus. Although, Klaus less than the others. He's a busy man, he comes to see me whenever he has time. Klaus and I have grown close over the last few weeks. Closer than I've ever been with anyone before.

I stand by the fence surrounding the wrap around balcony, and I take in the view as the sun sets over the tree line. It was the perfect evening to see the warm orange glow of the sun setting across the horizon as it fades from beautiful sky blue to vivid orange. It won't be long before the cold, dark night envelops the sun setting, settling into a deep, dark slumber until the sun rises in the morning.

"Hello, beautiful. Fancy seeing you here," Luke says, leaning his back against the fence next to me.

I roll my my eyes, turning to face him.

"What do you want, Luke? I don't think Ty would appreciate your flirting," I say, smiling a little.

"What's the matter, Princess? You look a little blue," Luke says, smirking

"First of all, don't call me princess. Second, I'm not blue. Some of us just enjoy watching a good sunset in peace," I shoot back in a matter of fact tone.

"If you say so, buttercup," Luke teases.

"For God's sake, could you please stop calling me-"

"I believe she asked you to stop. Twice now, actually," Tyler says, appearing from around the corner.

He walks over to me, and he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. I smile, melting into his warmth. Tyler glares at Luke, who just rolls his eyes.

"And just what are you going to do, little Lockwood?" Luke muses.

"I'm glad you asked," Tyler says, tensing up.

"What am I going to do?" Tyler asks himself.

"Ty, calm down-"

"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do," Tyler continues, stepping away from me and toward Luke, who swallows hard.

Tyler stops just short of Luke, a dangerous yellow glint in his eyes. The kind of glint that let's you know not to mess with him. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before.

"If you EVER mess with Caroline again, even she won't be able to stop me from tearing you apart, limb by limb, until you're nothing but a bloody pulp."

He pauses for a few seconds, looming over the smaller, scrawnier boy, who looked like a twig compared to Tyler, who was quite the hulking presence.

Luke, at a loss for words, simply nods his agreement. This didn't seem to satisfy Tyler. He growls quietly.

"Ty," I say sternly, laying my hand on his arm, facing him.

He looks down at me, his eyes still glimmering a shade of gold. I stare up into his eyes, showing I'm not afraid of him.

"Tyler, it's okay. I'm okay," I say, my voice soft and reassuring.

I rest my hand on his cheek, and he closes his eyes. His breathing slows, and his pulse slows with it.

When he opens his eyes again, they've returned to their beautiful creamy brown color, and I smile up at him. Truthfully, I wasn't sure that would work, but I'm glad it did.

I turn around to face Luke, scowling as I wrap my arm around Tyler, keeping him close in case I need to call him down again.

"Are you done? Because, so help me God, if you cause one more problem, I will not hesitate to let Olivia smite you where you stand," I snap at him.

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